QIC:  Clifford BRD
  PAX:  Good Hands, Tapeworm, Plank, 3-Dog, The Dude, and Clifford BRD
  Date:  06/12/2021
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

6 pax posted Copperhead Creek to get better on this nice warm and very muggy morning. So let’s jump right in.


SSH x 10

Moroccan nightclub x 25

Merkins x 10 oyo

Squat x 10


Mosey over to big parking lot for Dora 123


100 merkins

200 squats

300 ssh

Head over to rock pile pick out a nice two handed rock. And I’m not sure what’s going on with Plank, but out of nowhere he’s says one of y’all smell good. I see a Ridgeline in his future.


Curls x 10

Over head press x 10

Goblet squat x 10


Put all rocks back but one. Circle up hold rock straight out in front and pass to next pax made 6 full laps.


Mosey to large picnic area 6 pax 6 exercises stations. We did 2 rounds


Bench press x 10

Step up x 5 each leg

Incline merkins x 10

Lbc x 20

Dips x 10

Decline merkins x 10


Mosey over to brick wall take a wall chair upper cuts x 10 and drive to bus x 10


Line up for Indian run, but back pax had to back peddle to the front.


Bear crawl up small parking lot then lunge walk back down. And for some reason Plank felt the need to do one more bear crawl so off he went.


And done!!!!!



So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18


Come out and join Copperhead Creek as our 2.0’s lead us next weekend into our 6th year.


Also don’t be a stranger to The Jurisdiction mid-weeks Tuesday and Thursday mornings 0515.



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