QIC:  Biscuits
  PAX:  Arby's, Reading 🌈, Short Sale, Sinkhole
  Date:  06/10/2021
  AO:  The Tower

YHC used a meme as a weinke. Highly recommend this one for your next Q.

Arrived to catch Arby’s returning from his solo pre-run. Three additional PAX show up and we circle up. YHC give mission and disclaimer, and we start the warm-up (all in cadence):

  1. 10 Little Arm Circles
  2. 10 Reverse Arm Circles
  3. 10 Overhead Claps
  4. 10 High Knees
  5. 10 Butt Kickers
  6. 6-count Motivator. YHC butchered it near the end… …may need to stop calling this one.

We mosey to the park, but every time YHC calls “drop”, all PAX do a burpee. Reaching the park gate, we gave a police officer a good scare: I’m not sure if it was me shouting “DROP!” or if it was the 5 guys running towards him directly after that… in any case, he waved us on, and we set up for…

The Thang

Next to the picnic shelter, PAX circle up and one PAX (Clipboard Guy) calls an exercise and the rest of the PAX do AMRAP until Clipboard Guy returns. Clipboard Guy runs to the exercise equipment and performs burpees. Each PAX gets a turn to be the Clipboard Guy before we go to the next round.

Round 1: PAX call an arms exercise and run off to do 2 Pull-up Burpees.

Round 2: PAX call an arms exercise and run off to do 4 Superman Burpees.

Round 3: PAX call a legs exercise and run off to do 6 Box Burpees.

Round 4: PAX call an abs exercise and run off to do 8 Star Jump Burpees.

Round 5: We ditch the Clipboard Guy format and all PAX do 10 Deconstructed Burpees (10 Jump Squats, 10 Froggers, and 10 Merkins).

We mosey back towards the Tower, but stop in a church parking lot for a quick “put a burpees on each parking space line” before continuing. We still had a few minutes remaining, so YHC asked Short Sale to call his favorite kind of burpee… …we did 10 regular burpees. Then we did a quick mosey to the Key Hole for Step Ups in cadence before returning back to the flag.


Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, and then YHC read Romans 12:1-2:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

And an excerpt from Tim Keller’s Romans For You:

Paul uses temple terminology here. The metaphor he uses is that of a worshiper at the temple who comes in with an offering. Now, some offerings in the Old Testament were “sin offerings,” in which the worshiper was shedding blood and asking forgiveness. But Jesus is our sin offering—that is what the entire book of Hebrews is about. Therefore, the offering Paul points to is not a sin offering.

The second kind of offering was a “whole burnt offering,” which was a valuable animal from your flock. It had to be without defect (holy and without blemish). Why? Such an animal was expensive! It showed that all you had was at God’s disposal—you did not give God your leftovers! The burnt offering was always burnt totally and it represented complete consecration and devotion to God.

To be a “living sacrifice” is to be fully at God’s disposal. It means, actively, to be willing to obey God in anything he says in any area of life; and, passively, to be willing to thank God for anything he sends in any area of life.

YHC opened for prayer requests and announcements and then prayed us out.


Oh, whoops, apparently it’s “Clipboard Dude“… …too late to change it now.



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