QIC:  Pedro
  PAX:  Frag, Tapeworm, Pedro
  Date:  5/29/21
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

Weather: fantastic weather to get better in. 

PAX rolled in and it was time to get started. 

SSH x 15
Humpies x 15
ATT x 10

The Thang:
We aren’t normally known for doing Hero WOD’s, but being Memorial Day, it seemed like a good time to break one out. And what better one to break out thank one of the most famous WODs to be thrown out during a GORUCK event. The Murph. Here’s how it went down… we modified some since we have no place for pull-ups (and YHC can’t do them). We also broke the reps up into 4 sets.

1 Mile Run
Overhead Press w/ coupon x 25
Merkin x 50 
Squats x 75 (rinse and repeat though 4 sets)
Finish with another 1 Mile Run

I put this together thinking it wouldn’t be too hard if we broke the sets up. I was severely mistaken. That  was rough regardless of how it was broken up. It is definitely a humbling exercise and shows you just how much better you can be. 

Take a moment this weekend, and it wouldn’t hurt to do it more often than that, and be thankful for those who have given their lives to protect our freedoms, and say a prayer for their families as well. 

Pedro out!



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