QIC:  Markup
  PAX:  Creeper, Double Fault (FNG), Plank, Taz
  Date:  05/25/2021
  AO:  Star

A wonderful muggy morning that was in the upper 60s and clear.  2 prerunners showed up, 1 FNG and 3 other pax were ready to exercise and fellowship with each other.  The mumble chatter was strong this morning and YHC just kept going until the pax realized they were not counting.  Someone threw out a 19 and then we completed the exercise.  We had been expecting the FNG for a few weeks after he reached out to Plank after he saw our flyer and it was great to finally meet him. 



20 IC each

Side Straddle Hop

Imperial Storm Troopers

Alternating Toe Touches



10 Burpees OYO


The Thang

Lunge walk the length of the parking lot

20 Bullfrog Squats OYO

20 Mountain Climbers OYO

Reverse run the length of the parking lot



Karaoke run the length of the parking lot

20 Star Jumps OYO

20 Box Cutters OYO

Run the length of the parking lot



10 partner log sit-ups while others do Squats

– switch through partners


Mosey to stage and pick a rock

10 left calf raises, 10 right calf raises, 10 both calf raises IC

20 bench presses OYO

10 left calf raises, 10 right calf raises, 10 both calf raises IC

20 Overhead Press OYO


Mosey to flag for 2 minutes of abs


Today was a great day.  After the workout we spent some time getting to know our FNG and welcoming him to the group.  Unfortunately, I failed the pax.  I forgot the BOM and the WOD since we were fellowshipping.  Creeper was giving some good parenting skills and medical advice. 



Welcome Double Fault


WOD (what it would have been)

My dear brothers and sister, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,     –     James 1:19




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