QIC:  Goodwill
  PAX:  Cousin Eddie, Flamer, Caboose, Notebook, Bubbly
  Date:  05/24/21
  AO:  Evening Wood

Sticky 80*+ NC evening… moist.

2 rolled in early for prerun, 1 for pre-ruck

20:00: Warmup – SSH x 15 IC, Humpy x 10 IC, ATT x 15 IC, Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC

The Thang:

I’d written a weinke to display for the PAX to follow, so we went over the exercises for demos, etc. It went something like this:

3 sections for each PAX to follow at his own pace: Bodyweight exercises, Block exercises, Mary exercises.

1- Do each of the 4 Bodyweight exercises, run out to touch a retaining wall across the parking lot, run back.

2- Do each of the 4 Block exercises, run out to touch the wall, run back.

3- Do each of the 3 Mary exercises, run out to the wall, run back.

Repeato until time is up.

The Bodyweight exercises were as follows: Merkins x 20, Lunges x 15/ea leg, Sumo Squats x 20, Hi/Lo Plank x 25.

Block exercises: Overhead Press x 20, Blockees x 10, Bent Over Row x 20, Goblet Squat x 20.

Mary exercises: Alternating V-up x 15/ea side, Freddie Mercury x 20/ea, LBCs x 50.

We ran through that a couple times and I could tell the PAX were fading, so I called a Pause and we did a slow mosey lap around the church, then picked up where we left off.

20:45 Time called.


Thankfulness/Contentment – I’d been in a funk for a couple days…didn’t know why. Hot weather, change in childcare routine, who knows. I thought about it the other day and decided to shut myself up…that I didn’t have anything to complain about. In fact, I have a LOT to be thankful for. And the truth is, we all do. One PAX posited that in the absence of major crisis, or catastrophe, that we as humans tend to nit-pick and find something to complain about. I think there’s a lot of truth in that.


  • It was hot out there…EW should start about 9:30p.
  • It’s gonna get hotter.
  • Hi/Low Planks can go suck eggs. I think that was the worst exercise of all. My crusty, scabbed elbows are the proof.
  • This is a great AO to EH guys to. It defies all the excuses men typically have…”Too early” > NO, starts at 8:30p, “Too much running” > NO, not much running
  • Enjoy the combo of bodyweight + block exercises. I like not needing equipment for a good burn.





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