QIC:  Beaker, LilSweet, Skaggs,
  PAX:  Publix, Doughboy, Toothfairy, Beaker, Skaggs, Markup, Lilsweet
  Date:  05/22/21
  AO:  Whipping Stick

Cruise in at 5:15. Its just me and the shadows this morning for pre-run. Aint skert though.  Threshold work. 59 degrees. Civil War soldier mist hangs in the air as day breaks at 6:15. “Beaker”…”Beaker” chirped the birds. 6 more PAX (including Beaker’s twin) roll in and Beaker warms us up. Worlds greatest. Hit the block work with squat thruster circuits; Curls, Torture tucks, & Press. Tooth may have griped a little. Lots of grunts. Skaggs drags the crew through intervals and a gut lap.  COT about giving grace even if undeserved. Coffee time is low key and relaxed. Gotta get a shoe routine like Beaker. …Mumble chatter at Evening Wood a few days back  questioned my weight…well…now we all know. Lilsweet out.



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