QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  Centerfold, HeiHei, Diamond Dave, Annie Oakley
  Date:  05/19/21
  AO:  showtime

What a great morning for a beatdown!  

I rolled up to the parking lot and saw the other pax. The regulars, Diamond Dave and Annie Oakley were there but we also had some surprise guests – Centerfold and HeiHei were there too.  I know they have been really trying to accelerate their fitness beyond the normal pre-pre-pre-pre runs we see at the Station, so it was good they posted. Now, the work…

Disclaimer & Mission were given – ALWAYS!

Warm-up: the normal

Thang #1: Mosey to the fake river..let’s call it The River Faux and pick a rock. Put said rock on your shoulder and head to the trail. We only had 3 headlamps for 5 people, so we staggered our positions to provide lighting for safety….kinda…and we’re running! At the first gas line crossing – 10 RTT’s (Rock Taint Touches), up the hill, 2nd gas line crossing – 10 RTT’s, continue back to the Faux. Deposit your rock.

Thang #2: QIC had a playlist primed and the jams started for 4 corners: Squats, Easy V’s, Merkins, Peter Parkers. Each lap add a rep, from 1 – 10.  Somewhere along the way, HeiHei’s count got off and so he began to question the Q’s counting.  However, the QIC remembered something Slaughter (THE NANTAN) said, “When in charge, take charge.”  So, YHC reminded HeiHei that he was a pax and a pax’s role is to follow the Q.  The wise Rock would say, “Know your role.” In response, Centerfold giggled, HeiHei sped up and began to flip his bat a little, DD and AO just continued to work…because that’s what they do.

We finished with some Mary.

WOD: Titus 3:14 Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.

There’s possibly nothing worse than being characterized as unproductive…in any aspect (especially in regard to your training status on Strava, I’m told) A virtuous leader seeks to have IMPACT (Q2.1) on the people in his circle of influence.  This requires a man to be proximate and purposeful.  It’s a busy time and difficult to make time for other men…but we must seek to find a way.  Think about the other men in your life and come along side them and make an impact….BE PRODUCTIVE!


-Trail running in the dark with limited lighting is asking for trouble. Luckily, we were going slow for Centerfold.

-Showtime rocks are heavier than Station rocks…have I said that before.

-It’s difficult to count correctly while mumble chatter is in full effect….I’m talking about HeiHei…not me.

-Centerfold and HeiHei can both do single arm push-ups..which is good, since HeiHei’s normal push-ups equate to about 1.5 inches of movement.

…wait for it….TWSS!

Showtime is awesome. Come join us…and bring a friend…and a headlamp.

Medball out!



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