QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Patty Mayo, Arby's, Reading Rainbow, Sinkhole, Katniss, Tatted Swanny, Biscuits, C Ed
  Date:  05/13/21
  AO:  The Tower

First:  When I think of Hildebran, the above image is what i usually think of.  Anyone else know about the show that comes on Friday nights called “Rex Allen Theatre Presents”?  It’s a great show and Page (my M) and I are good friends w/ Rex’s daughter and her family.  They are great people and the show is just Rex walking around The Bran with a great big ole 80’s style camera and talking to folks.  They have a segment where they try to find Sasquatch on their family property.  His sister does a cooking segment.  And, as you can see, they make cornbread too. 

Anyway, back to this F3 thing.

Weather:  Still Fat Boy friendly.  Or in terms of what Patty wore to the workout:  Hoodie, socks up to the bottom of his shorts, long sleeve T, undershirt, gloves, wool hat, baklava, long johns.


Warmups:  standard issue

EMOM: For 10 minutes, at the top of each minute: 10 merkins, 6 squats, 4 burpees

Mosey to the other other parking lot across the skreet for Lt Dans: 2 lunges, 1 squat/4 lunges, 2 squats/6 lunges, 3 squats….up to 20 lunges/10 squats.  Mosey back to flag.

Test for A’Holes:  this is an old time favorite of mine.  It’s a test to see how big of an a-hole you are.  As you farmer carry 2 blocks to a predetermined length and back, you call your least favorite exercise with a block for the pax to do while you FC.  That exercise can not be repeated once it’s called.  The men of The Bran are nice…mostly.  We did a range of items:  curls, overhead presses,  WW2’s, bent over rows, burpees (real burpees, not patty burpees – ironic considering the fact that he’s the one that called this one), and staggered arm merkins.  

Then it got interesting.

Pax were instructed to partner up.  We’ve done this exercise a billion times in Hickory, but clearly the men of the Bran haven’t done it.  It’s the one where P1 is on his back, legs straight out in front.  P2 stands directly behind him.  P1 holds P2’s feet to assist in leverage and then raises his legs over his head and P2 pushes them down while P1 tries to keep them from hitting the ground and raises them back up for P2 to continue pushing down.  Simple right?  Well, your boy figured that a demo would be a good idea so he hopped on the ground, and told his P2 (who shall remain nameless) to stand behind him.  Everything going good so far.  I raised my legs to P2 and instructed him to push them down.  I guess I wasn’t 100% clear that he needed to just give them a shove and not to hang on to the legs that he was pushing.  But that’s what P2 did.  As he hung on, I brought my legs down to the ground and P2 came with them.  We ended up in a pile of flesh that can only be described as a partial 69.  P2 was clearly rattled and likely wanted to puke and/or curl up in the fetal position after sharing views of each other’s seed bags but we continued, despite the cat calls and comments about buying each other dinner and a movie later.  Needless to say, I was slightly aroused. 

Of course, we switched so that P2 was on the ground and P1 was standing above.  My P2 chose not to lock his hands around my feet.  In fact, he appeared to be trying to remain as far away as possible from me while still doing the workout.  Odd because I was trying to get closer to him. 

We finished up w/ a 1/2 Dora of sorts.  Time was running out and a few dudes had to bail early, so we did 50 blurpees and 200 curls between P1/P2 to close it out with 6 dudes.  


Public thoughts to self:

  • Maybe next time I try that exercise, my partner will at least have the common courtesy to give me a reach around
  • 3 pre runners roll up all leisurely at 5:32’ish.  Note to Pre Runners:  we start at 5:30:00.  Always.  Lessgo 
  • Stole the Lt Dans from Deuce.  It’s called that b/c you can’t feel your legs after you’re done.  Hey 2, if you’re out there come back broham.  We miss you.
  • If I had to grade the Test for A’Holes, the Bran Men would have received a: You’re Too Nice.  Gotta get mean with this one.  
  • We didn’t venture down to the school just below the shovelflag.  It’s darker than a well digger’s buttcrack down there.  
  • This AO is chock full of parking spaces.  Best as I can tell, they park in a fairly large one.  There’s another one across the street, there’s another one beside them at the church, the school directly behind them has one, and there’s two more within a 50 yard radius of the shovelflag. 
  • I had mentioned a possible FNG sighting this am.  No dice today, but it’ll happen. 
  • Speaking of which:  how’s about reaching out to that dude that you haven’t seen in a while?  The list of dudes that used to post/posted for a month/are soft is huge, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll never come back.  Give it a try will you?  Dudes like Peaches, Swanson, and Pumpernickle are out there.  Maybe they’re just waiting for you to text/call them and ask where they’ve been.  

Enjoyed it

P2, give me a holla sometime eh?  



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