QIC:  Pedro
  PAX:  Clifford, 3 Dog, Annie Oakley, Pedro
  Date:  05132021
  AO:  the_jurisdiction

A nice, brisk early March morning greeted the Tville PAX… hold up… my bad… it’s actually mid-May… sorry. The cool temps were a surprise, but luckily we were gonna warm up quickly. 

SSH, LAC, RLAC, Copperhead Squats

Mosey to the ALX’s most feared parking lot. No counting today, just a simple bear crawl inch worm 3/4 of the length. 

Mosey to the fire dept hill to feel the burn as we Bernie back up. At the concrete bleachers, step ups x 10 each leg, but at the top, do a squat. In case your wondering, that’ll burn both sides of your legs. 

Mosey to free parking and find a curb that suits your personality and one you really feel you can connect with. 20 hop over burpees. Next, get parallel with your curb. One merkin on the left side with right arm on curb, side scroll across and perform a merkin with left arm up. 5 each side. 20 fast feet. Merkin position. One merkin on the ground, hands up on curb, merkin… rinse repeat x 10ish. 

Mosey to courthouse for some incline merkins and a date with Mary. Flutters, LBCs, and Merican Hammers. 

Count, Name, Pray. 

Pray for Clifford and 3Dogs grandmother in Michigan. Annie’s pastor’s wife was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Keep them lifted up as well. 

YHC out!



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