QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Fuse, CrossStitch, Retread, Caboose, Squints, Phlegm, Kapowski, Ferdinand, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  04/27/21
  AO:  Howitzer

AO’s have live cycles.  Couple examples:  ER started as an AMRAP.  What we now call Old ER was just ER.  No one attended.  In fact, I recall when our boy Abraham sent an email out stating that if no one continued to post, he was going to shut it down.  That motivated some pax to give it a try and attendance was good for about a year or so, then it started to taper off.  We changed formats to having a Q and let them use the AO however they liked.  It’s done pretty good since then. 

Tuesdays used to be Expresso at St. Lukes.  Just like Thursday.  But that got boring, so we moved it downtown, called it Howitzer, and got a new shovelflag with a bullet casing wrapped around it that weighed approximately 30 lbs.  Attendance there had been solid for a few years, but had been on the decline for a few months.  It seemed a lot of dudes were opting to run hills and calling it Ibex instead.  Being the good Site Q that he is, Ferdinand decided to switch things up and try a Run & Gun format.  R&G = run a 5K and then do a bootcamp for the remaining time.  That has been pretty successful in getting dudes to post there again.  T Claps to Ferd for being able to adapt and overcome ob-stackles to achieve success. 

Being the dude that I am, I’m not a fan of routines.  I have a hard time finding motivation with something that I’ve already done.  Sometimes this works in my favor…sometimes trying something new goes over like a turd in a punchbowl.  But that’s OK, I have no problem dealing with the consequences of a new/bad idea.   So instead of running the entire 5K and then working out, your boy decided to run and gun at the same time.  Sumpin like this:

Starting at the corner of Main St & Union Square, head down to 2nd Ave, down 2nd Ave to N Center St, up NCS past city hall, and take a right on Main St. back to the start.  It was a simple 0.5 mile square.  To do a 5K, we needed just over 6 laps.  After each lap we did this:

Lap 1:  10 burpees, 15 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Gas Pumps, 25 Squats, 30 Curls

Lap 2: 15 HR Merkins, 20 Gas Pumps, 25 Squats, 30 Curls

Lap 3:  2o Gas Pumps, 25 Squats, 30 Curls

Lap 4: 25 Squats, 30 Curls

Lap5: 30 Curls

Lap 6: 10 burpees, 15 HRM, 20 GP, 25 Squats, 30 Curls

Sprint back to the Sails


Speaking of ETC:

  • Wasn’t a ton of Mumblechatter this am
  • We did talk about the FNG from yesterday that tossed his cookies.  Annie Oakley, we hope you stick with us brother.  
  • If you wanna know how to do a good squat, just watch Cross Stitch and/or Fuse.  Them fellas get low with it.  
  • Ferdinand mentioned something about switching up the format again for Howi back to more bootcampy stuff.  I love that, Freed to Lead son.  
  • Speaking of routines, I know a dude that eats the same thing for lunch every day: PB&J, single serving of pretzels, water.  If I were to write a definition of my own Personal Hell, eating the same thing every day would be a Top 5 item.
  • The only thing that I have a routine for is wearing the same old busted up clothes until they fall apart.  Powder recently gave me some H-E-Double Hockey Sticks for wearing my faded Auburn shorts.  Quick internet research shows that I bought those in 2009.  In fact, we did some spring cleaning this weekend.  I found my old pair of Wranglers from the summer of 1996.  They are still cardboard stiff and accentuate my junk quite nicely, so I’ll be busting those out soon for all of you to admire my junk.  Good luck keeping your wives off of me….I’ll make sure to bring my woman beatin stick with me to help.
  •  If you’re a Hickory dude, I challenge you to post tomorrow to Discovery church for our newest AO:  Disco Nights.  Or Dance Fever or something.  Anyway, the men of HKY (not Foothills) have been pretty absent from anything non-HKY related.  Can we please change that up?  There are a few dudes that have to get to the salt mines early and I respect that…but the rest of you aren’t that busy.  Less go people, let’s show some love.  
  • That will give you an opportunity to break free from your routine too.  Arrow will still be there next week.  Come on and join the fun.  
  • Speaking of fun, there’s still no BRR team from F3 Foothills & that’s a dang shame.  Someone step up and captain up.  

Edward out.



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