QIC:  Markup
  PAX:  Non-Standard Deduction, Capt Brady, Hot Lips
  Date:  04/20/2021
  AO:  Star

Today is April 20th, which I found out last night is an unofficial holiday for some people.  Oh, well..

A few men made it to the best AO in the little town of Bethlehem to get better.  2 preran beforehand so they could start the day off even better and get more steps in before work.


20 Side Straddle Hops IC – 1 Burpee

20 Plankers IC – 2 Burpees

20 Imperial Storm Troopers IC – 3 Burpees

20 Windmills IC – 4 Burpees

20 Mountain Climbers IC – 5 Burpees


The Thang

Mosey to stage area and pick out a rock

10 Calf Raises IC
gather rock and get ready

All exercises were in cadence except calf raises which were OYO

15 Overhead Press – 20 LBC – 10 Calf Raises

15 Tricep Extensions – 20 RBC – 10 Calf Raises

15 Curls – 20 Freddie Mercuries – 10 Calf Raises

15 Bench Press – 20 Dollies – 10 Calf Raises

15 L Elevated Merkins – 20 Rosalitas – 10 Calf Raises
15 R Elevated Merkins – 20 Rosalitas – 10 Calf Raises


Mosey to short wall

10 Incline Merkins IC

10 Decline Merkins OYO

10 Wall Leg Lifts


Mosey to “flag”

We got to where the flag should be and I wanted to spell STAR to honor the best AO in Bethlehem

Seal Jacks – 5 OYO

Travoltas – 10 each side OYO

American Hammer – 15 OYO

Rosalitas – 20 OYO



Word of the Day: He says, “Be still, and know that I am God…”  Psalm 46:10a

After RAM last week and Phlegm mentioning listening to God I wanted to do the same.  We took a moment of silence before closing in prayer.


If you were not here this morning you were missed.  Hope to see you next time.



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