QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  CrossStitch, Kapowski, Phlegm, Ferdinand, Fuse, Owie, Retread, Twig
  Date:  03/29/21
  AO:  ER

I know what you’re thinking…no way this is Medball’s first Q. Well, you’re half right. I’ve Q’d quite a few times, however this is my first Q away from The Station!  Crazy…only 4 years and 22 days to get asked to Q at another AO.  I’m glad CrossStitch was open-minded and saw past the fear that other Site Q’s have, now to today.

Weather: back below 40 degrees… a gift!

I arrived at 0526, after a quick lap to confirm the Hky streets we’d be moseying through.  Nantan shovel flag was planted and one-minute warning called.

0530: Mission statement given (always) and disclaimer shared, despite only veterans being present. First up, let’s mosey.  Some pax were caught off-guard, “is this guy not gonna warm-up?”. We moseyed to the parking lot of BOA

Warm-up (because it’s smart, and I’m over 40..it’s almost a necessity):

SSH-IC, Squats (touch the ground..no cheating)-OYO, ATT’s-IC, Merkins-OYO, Peter Parkers-IC, Parker Peters-IC

-mosey along 2nd St. Place (when you’re not from an area, you actually use road signs)

Thang 1- (parking lot below tall stairs to ER) Partner Gorilla Run

-Pax 1: CrossFit sit-ups- AMRAP (duh…it’s Crossfit); Pax 2: Gorilla run across parking lot, 5 squat jumps, mosey back- 5 ROUNDs each

Mosey to hospital hill

Thang 2- (hospital hill)-Dutch Skater Indian Run:

 all pax perform dutch skater motion in single-file line to cadence, while the 6 runs an entire lap around pax and ends at the front. Q began cadence: left…right, left…right, etc which some pax struggled with, until the mighty Twig began. His barked cadence seemed to jolt everyone to move as one…kinda like he’d done that before…RESPECT. Finished at the top after almost 2 rounds.

Mosey back to parking lot

Thang 3- Aiken Legs

20 Squats, 20 Tuck Jumps, 10e Rev. Lunges, 10e Bonnie Blairs, climb stairs at the far end of the parking lot, mosey back to the start and plank for the 6

Thang 4- Ring of Fire Merkins

1-10, pax could begin once pax to the left began

Mosey to stairs…pick a stair

Thang 4- Calf Raises (Station staple- especially if Delivery’s Q’ing)

50-left, 50-right, 100-together

slow mosey to lower parking lot

Mary: (thought this would be a nice place, since it’s level…didn’t realize it was a thoroughfare..Kapowski almost got squashed 3 times

-Easy V’s, Flutter Kicks, Gas pumps w. kick, W’s, LBC’s

Mosey to the flag

WOD: YHC shared that prior to the Nantan transition, there were 3 days of Bible Study (MWF) as my focus was on The Station. However, the Nantan serves the region, therefore I wanted to get out to see the region…and in so doing dropped my study. A book I’ve been reading (thank you Centerfold) Point Man, called me out. With this new conviction, I’ve COMMITTED to get back in the word and in prayer. 

1 Timothy 4:7-8: train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. Training for spiritual fitness: 1) in the Word, 2) in prayer

Therefore, I’ve set my Bible out to be able to dive in when I get home from workouts, prior to shower, shave, and mammon.  Day 1 – CHECK!  I challenged the pax to do the same.


-Pax are quiet at ER…either they were gassed or adhering to their mother’s warning_ if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all

-Gorilla running is a little different than bear crawling. Most of the pax figured it out but what was most impressive was the enthusiasm with which they tried..even got some sound effects.

-Not sure if Retread lost count on some exercises of if he was the only actually doing all the reps…guess we’ll never know

-YHC would have loved to have been in one of oncoming cars during our Dutch Skating training…I’m sure questions were abounding…see what I did there….anybody?

-At one time, the mighty Dude shared with me that ER was one of the toughest AO’s in all of F3. After my only other visit to ER (3/22/21) when YHC was sore for 4 days, and we never even approached the Concrete Monster, I could see the regular posting pax take their workouts seriously. My hope is that I honored the premier Hickory Monday AO with my Q, today.

-For my Diablo brethren, Diablo is officially an AO of the Duplex…so ER is actually the only AO in Hickory on Mondays…but now we’re splitting hairs.

Good work pax! Keep EH’ing!

Medball out!



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