QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Caboose, Flamer, Pantene, Publix, Lil Sweet, Notebook, CE
  Date:  03/29/21
  AO:  Evening Wood

Pre-Q Thoughts leading up to Evening Wood:

05:30 – 14.5 hours to go until the workout starts

10:30 – (during my lunch) when do they eat dinner?

12:45 – (during 1st snack) still have no idea how they manage this every week

14:30 – I’d better eat dinner now so I don’t puke during the workout

17:00 – hungry again…better have a big snack

18:00 – helping Paradiddle get dinner ready for the fam…..if I just have a small burger, I won’t puke and then I’ll have 3rd Dinner after Eve Wood. 

18:30 – gut is blasted, this is going to be a problem.  Puts beer down, prays for a Deuce Drop.

19:00 – if I just gag myself, I’ll be able to rally and re-eat after EW

19:30 – who came up with this time?  This is a bigger Mind F than the 00:00 Mortimer start time.  

19:45 – best get out of my PJ’s and get ret to go

20:00 – Quiz #3 begins

Post EW Thoughts:

  • I’m a handsome SOB aint I?
  • most dudes don’t know their F3 Trivia
  • some tried to lawyer up on me with their answers.  
  • I can make a damn good duck face
  • 1PB
  • apparently the play for evening workouts is a light meal around 5:00 pm, try not to puke, then a light meal/beer afterwards
  • when we get into the summer, a post EW beer sounds like the best 2nd F opportunity ever – someone make that happen
  • good dudes out there, always fun times at the EW
  • Lenoir, study up me and Meatball are headed your way
  • Out, time for bed. 



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