QIC:  Pedro
  PAX:  Clifford, The Dude, 3 Dog, Tapeworm, Pedro, Powerband, PBJ
  Date:  03/27/2021
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

The Tville PAX arrived to a crisp spring morning, no wind, and plenty of mumblechatter. On the way, I received a text reminding me that I had a special delivery waiting. I was ecstatic, the PAX, not so much. Audible sighs were heard as PAX exited their vehicles. The delivery was a truck bed full of blocks and tractor tires. Here’s how it all went down. 

Good Mornings x 10
ATT x 10
Windmills x 10
OH Claps x 10
Hello Dolly’s x 10
Flutter Kick’s x 10
LAC x 10
RLAC x 10

It’s been a few minutes since the Tville PAX have had the pleasure of a spoke, so today seemed to be fitting. Typical cycle: start at hub as PAX and then branch out to each spoke independently, with a return to the hub exercise after each. Finish with hub exercise.

Spoke Round 1
Hub- 20 Dips
Spoke A- Tire Flips (3 out and back)
Spoke B- 15 Blockees
Spoke C- 20 Box Jumps
Spoke D- 3 bear crawls uphill (10ish yards)

Spoke Round 2
Hub- 20 Squats
Spoke A- Farmer Carry Tires (10ish yards)
Spoke B- 30 Curls For Gurls
Spoke C- 15 Bench Presses (large picnic table)
Spoke D- 3 Crawl Bears uphill

Head back to the flag for COT. While getting everything loaded back up, we were reminded that one of our own, 3 Dog, earned the “Respect” patch this week by turning the big 5-0. 50 LBC’s ensued.

A good time was had by all, though the PAX seemed disappointed we didn’t make it through rounds 3 and 4.

REMINDER!!!!!! This week (4/1) starts F3Taylorsville’s midweek workout. 0515 and sure to please! Meeting at the park on the west side of the courthouse. All are invited. We’ll meet each week on Tuesday and Thursday.

YHC Out!



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