QIC:  Doughboy
  PAX:  RAM - Cross Stitch, Fuse, HBC, Banjo, Caboose, Powder, Owie; Ruckers - Creeper, Plank, Mark Up, Dragonfly,Cropduster, Capt Brady, MedBall, Hay Hay
  Date:  03/26/2021
  AO:  RAM

 HIM showed up for YHC’s first RAM Q.  The weather was a little bit of concern considering all the rain overnight, but it ended up being nice with no rain.  The ruckers were already gone so the 7 of us RAMmers circled up and began the warm up.

Warm up consisted of 12 count, in cadence, SSH, Little Arm Circles, and Alternating Toe Touches.  As we were leaving the warm up location, here comes HBC to join us.

We left the parking lot and headed down to the City Walk to run it to downtown.  Someone made the comment that this was RAM and not Arrow.  My plan was to do BLIMPS around Union Square.  First stop was the corner of 2nd St NW and Trade Alley.  We did 5 Burpees then ran down Trade Alley to 3rd St NW for 5 more burpees, up to the corner of Union Square where Foxie Salon and Studio is for 5 more burpees, then in front of all the business at the Square to the corner where Lou Lou’s Toy store is for the final 5 burpees.  So that was the loop, now add 5 reps to the exercise and take off – 10 Lunges/15 Imperial Storm Troopers/20 Merkins/25 Plank Jacks.  We didn’t get to the Squats as we were running out of time.  Also, after the lunges, I made a decision to cut the route in half and run up the stairs in the middle of Trade Alley rather than all the way down to 3rd St NW in an attempt to save some time.   All done and we headed back to the LR football parking lot.

WOD was from a devotional that I receive.

 . . woe to him who is alone when he falls
and has not another to lift him up—Ecclesiastes 4:10

Support and encouragement are crucial for friendship, of course. But by themselves, they aren’t enough—not even close. True friendship requires more. The kind of friendship God intends requires that we look deeper, that we try to see things only friends can see. And it requires that we tell the truth(Ephesians 4:15). So, when friends are stuck or struggling with denial or passivity or sin, true friendship requires that we face awkwardness or embarrassment or fear of rejection head-on, and that we name problems honestly (though gently, too) and make every attempt to challenge and push, rescue and restore (Galatians 6:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14). True friendship requires that we go “all in.” It requires that we be willing to initiate tough conversations, when tough conversations are needed.

The inverse, of course, is that we need friendship like that too. To lead robust, upright lives, we too need friends who are willing to be honest. To lead robust, upright lives, we too need friends who, like God, love us too much to let us to get stuck or struggle on our own. To lead robust, upright lives, we too need friends who are “all in” and willing to initiate tough conversations. We must be intentional about surrounding ourselves with such men . . . and, as hard as it might be, we must be willing to learn how to hear honest feedback without indignation, defensiveness, or counterattack.


Liquid Roots Brewing Company tonight, March 26, for some 2nd F.  

Convergence April 10 at Glen Hilton Park.  This is 2.0 friendly.

May 21 – 23 for The Station’s next 36 hour challenge.  This is tied in with Ainsley’s Angels event on Saturday, May 22.  

Always good to be in the gloom with my F3 brothers.




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