QIC:  CrossStitch
  PAX:  Retread, Fuse, Pumpernickle, Ferdinand, Phlegm, Powder, Herninator, Sheamus, Kapowski, Cousin Eddie, Jordache, Peaches, Publix, Skaggs, Caboose
  Date:  02/23/2021
  AO:  Howitzer

Twas a glorious morning with no rain and no freeze. But, Powder still showed with long johns. Some things never change. I believe this was the third Run N’ Gun which is a new thing we’re trying out at Howitzer. So far, I’d say it has been a success.

The Thang:

Started off with the 5K. Run down Main Ave towards 9th St — turn right — run to 6th Ave, turn right — left on 6th St, right on 7th Ave (come out near Oakwood Cemetery) — run on 8th Ave to run past the Y — right on N Center St — run past Frye, turn right on Main Ave — almost back to the flag (stopping at big parking lot in front of Notions downtown)

The rest of the workout is what I call Cousin Eddie Style. That would be winging it. We lunge walked across the parking lot, knocked out some flutter kicks. Reverse lunge back where Caboose showed us how it’s really done. His form was PERFECT… please read this with sarcasm. We all showed our first class athleticism with some hollow rocks. See comment about Caboose and his reverse lunges and use for Cousin Eddie on hollow rocks. After a candy movement of side lunges back, we did 1 merkin for every parking spot with a +1 for each next spot. So, 1 merkin for first spot, 2 for second, etc. etc. And without ANY delay Publix made sure to point out how bad my form is on merkins. I appreciate him for always holding me to a high standard and making me better…  

The WOD of the day was forgiveness and how it’s not worth to hold on to that grudge. It’s easy to hold on to a grudge or not move past whatever event or whomever did you wrong in the past. It is difficult for us to face that pain and process our feelings. I for one would much rather just bury feelings just ignore them. But, I think we can all agree that is not healthy in the long run. I challenge everyone to think hard if there is something/someone in your past that you still hold a grudge. Do your best to move on or past it. Easier said than done but better for everyone in the long run.

Thanks to Phlegm and Powder for sharing about Doug Eller and Tyler Ross. Phlegm, your words really hit me hard on how fragile life is and how we never know when this ride will end. Coincidentally,  tied in really well with the WOD. Funny how that works out sometimes…




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