QIC:  Twig
  PAX:  Short Sale, Twig, CE
  Date:  02/22/21
  AO:  ER

This is a combined BB of sorts.  Febrary/Febuary/Feburary….however it’s spelled is coming to a close and I haven’t written anything for the upcoming From the Desk of Nantan as Comz calls it.  

Weather:  Cold.  Rain.  Again.  

Dropped a 2 and that had me a bit late.  As I turned on N Center St at the intersection immediately in front of where ER starts at approximately 5:29:55, I saw it.  Again.  In the rain.  2 dudes standing around.  Reading body language through the rain, you can see/sense/taste the look of dumbfoundness (is that a word?) in the pax.  Their body language was saying “where in the heck is everyone?”.  The same thing happened at Expresso last week.  Only difference is that it wasn’t raining as hard today…I think. 

Twig had a sweet workout planned.  3 dudes had fun.  Yeah, we got better, but I don’t think that we got that certain stank out of the air.  No I’m not referring to the bomb that I dropped on Twig at roughly 6:13:00 while we hammered out some Squats.  I’m talking about the stank of not having more brothers with us.  It hung over us like a wet blanket.  Mumblechatter between the 3 of us was good, but it could have been better. 

But instead of giving all that weren’t there a good old fashioned, shame ridden tongue lashing, I’m going to let you read something that I found in the F3Nation newsletter.  It’s from the interview with our newest Nantan, Slaughter.  The dude is not only a Mortimer 100 OG, but he’s full of awesome insight.  Read below, it’s full of great insight as to what F3 is and the last part hit home after this morning’s workout.  The Why we need to post part.  For insight:  he’s a recovering alcoholic/drug addict that’s been clean for ~15 years.  

Read up:

Ralph What do you want out of day-to-day PAX? What can we do? What is our role in the future of F3?

Slaughter: I think that it’s important for people to understand that F3 really is more than just the workout. PAX are called to change their lives. They’re called to be better versions of the guy they were yesterday. 

I guess it’s OK if you just show up and just want to get in shape. But I don’t think people who are only after that stick around too long. My challenge to everybody is to get involved, and to do the things that will make you a better version of who you are, and that will affect everybody around you at home, at work, in your community, and certainly the other guys that are showing up for the first time at workouts. 

It’s just like I learned when I was getting sober. I went to AA meetings to help me. And then eventually somebody told me. Hey man, you know, you got to keep showing up. And I said, well I don’t know that I need it any more. They said, well it’s not for you it’s, it’s for the new you—the guy walking in the door

The same thing is true for F3. If it’s a cold morning that you may not want to get out there and maybe you can take a day off, and it wouldn’t put a blip on your radar. But maybe somebody else is going to show up that morning, and you may need to be there for them. I think that we have a responsibility being in F3 to do all those things. 

So there you go.  The next time you want to stay in your fartsack because you ran the day before, you had a rough yesterday, or the weather doesn’t suit your liking, think about that dude that’s in the gloom that needs your company.  Maybe he’s had a worse day than you?  Maybe he lost a family member or a friend and just wants to be a guy for the next 45 minutes?  Maybe he stayed up half the night worrying about some trivial work BS and needed to let some steam off before another workday starts.  Maybe he and his wife are struggling and he was hoping someone would pray for his family during COT.  Whatever the reason, his for posting is greater than yours for fartsacking.  Trust me.  


Well, I said I wasn’t giving a tongue lashing but I did it anyway (TWSS).   



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