QIC:  Clifford BRD
  PAX:  Pencil lead, Tapeworm, The Dude, Pedro Martini, Plank, 3-Dog, Clifford BRD
  Date:  02/13/2021
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

We had a guest appearance from 3-Dog and my cousin from the great state of Michigan, pencil lead.

So earlier this week I was talking with Pedro and told him that I had an idea for a Q and asked if I could have this Saturday. His reply was let’s see what you got. So with the loss of my dad last week I got to thinking how can I put something together that he would be proud of. So here’s what was born from this difficult time. 


Dad was born in 1951 so here’s the warm up



9 Merkins

5 Mt. Climbers

1 Burpee


8 Squat Jumps

16 IST

51 Moroccan Night Clubs


Now the real fun begins. This next part is a twist on a Dora 123, I called it the Jerry 1951. Yes that’s right 1951. Real crowd pleaser.


100 Merkins

900 LBC

500 Squats

100 Shoulder Taps


Then we finished up with a series of exercises for his name Jerry. So here’s that fun.


J-Jackees x 5 which is a burpee with a ssh at the top.


E-Empty Wheelbarrow now this is a wheelbarrow that you do in crab walk style. Partner hold your legs up and go. And again sorry to The Dude he got stuck with the heavy wheelbarrow this morning.


R-Raccon Crawl


R-Russian Twist x 10


Y-Yeah this is to the song Yeah by Joe Nichols. Start off and stay in plank position, but every time he sings the word Yeah you do a plank Jack and every time he sings the word she do a mt. climber. So it comes out to 35 plank jacks and 9 my. climbers. Grand combined total reps was 1836 not to bad for a cold and wet Saturday morning.


I know a lot of the F3 Nation knows our story with 3-Dog and my dad, but for those of that don’t please allow me to tell it. Just right after Christmas one of my other brothers, his wife, and youngest son tested positive for covid. A day later my wife, youngest daughter, and myself tested positive. A day after that our mom and dad started not feeling well. Mom got tested she to was positive, and dad just knew he was too but, never got tested. About 3or 4 days went by and I get a phone call from my mom to take dad to the doctor he was having a hard time breathing. When we got to the doctor they checked his O2 level and it was at 73% they rushed him to the hospital. He spent the next several days back and forth between two different O2 machines, but things were not getting any better. Then they talked with him and he consented to be put on ventilator. He was on that for 18 days. On Thursday February 4th 2021 they called the family in to visit with dad. When getting to the hospital and actually getting to see Dad for the first time in 3 weeks we knew it was not good. Ultimately that night around 7:10 we knew we had to put him in comfort care and let him go to sleep. Definitely one of the hardest things anyone has to face. Around 8:00 we got the phone call that he had passed. He was a father, a husband to mom for 50 years, and a grandfather of 6. Why do I say all of this for a few reasons. 1 don’t take any time with your father for granite cause we are not promised tomorrow. 2 if you are a father do not take any time with your family for granite again we are not promised tommorow. 3 do not take covid as a joke or a hoax it kills our family has faced it head on. Just love one another and do the right thing to keep each other safe.



Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4 ESV


Keep this verse close to your hearts no matter what you are going through trust and lean on the everlasting love of God. Like I said to the guys this morning let go and let God. In other words stop trying to do it yourself and let God take control and just follow him, he will not lead you astray.






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