QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Tooth Fairy, Caboose, Pumpernickle, Cross Stitch, Powder, Phlegm, Jordache, Weighted Herniator, Peaches
  Date:  02/11/21
  AO:  Expresso

A:  We all possess the same basketball skills

Weather:  Nice.  Real nice, Clark.  45’ish


Warmups.  Lots of chatter.  Lots.  SSH, ATT, and Clamshells*.

8 Rounds of EMOM (every minute on the minute):

10 merkins

8 squats

6 burpees

Line up for something stolen from Deuce:  Lt. Dans.  

2 Lunges, 1 squat

4 Lunges, 2 squats

6 Lunges, 3 squats


20 lunges, 10 squats

This landed us at the basketball court behind St Lukes.  Next call was stolen from F3 Puget Sound.  1 pax calls an exercise, shoots a free throw.  If he makes, we do 10 reps of that exercise.  If he misses:  10 burpees.  Airball?  15 burpees.

Result:  we would be the worst team in a long line of really bad church league teams.  More on this below.   

Had to cut the free throw massacre short.  Partner up for Lat Pull Ups on the playground equipment.  10 each x 2 rounds. 

Mosey to the block pile.  Note:  Hey Site Q, get us some more blocks will ya? 

Original plan was 5 rounds of curls and bent over rows followed by some murder bunnies, but since everyone didn’t have their own block, we adapted and overcame.  

P1:  25 curls/25 BOR

P2:  WW2

2 rounds of this

P1: Curls AMRAP

P2:  run down to the bushes, broad jump back

Then the Q looked to other pax for ideas.  They had some doozies.  

American Hammers/run down, 10 burpees, Frankenstein walk back

Kettle swings/run down, 6 pistol squats, run back

Bench Press/run, LBCs, run back

Something/run, more burpees, run back

Couple more…you know how it goes.  Mind gets fuzzy.

Time called.  


The Real Reason You’re Reading This:

*Clamshells are good for your a$$ meat.  When your M can bounce quarters off of yours after a few more rounds, you can thank me later.    

  • Basketball notes:  got up a bit earlier than normal this am to plan my workout.  I found an old BB from my trip to Seattle & Alaska.  When I posted w/ Puget Sound, it went something like this.  Q called the free throw exercise.  Everyone misses…in my head, I’m thinking I’m going to show these chumps how a Beast Coaster can ball out.  When it’s finally my turn, we’ve done something like 100 burpees so I’m good and gassed and my arms were mush.  My shot was so bad, they probably still talk about it over there.  H-O-R-R-I-F-I-C.  Well, this morning’s attempt went almost exactly as this one did.  Powder was the only one that hit his shot.  The rest of us looked like tryouts at the NC School for the Blind.  Or like that dude from App St.  It was rough.  I was the only airball, so there’s that.   
  • Not tootin’ my horn here, but I think that today’s Q was purt good.   It could have gone downhill really fast, and I’m fairly certain that a few pax there were anticipating this.  So what’s the lesson learned here?  Don’t sweat me.  2nd lesson?  If you go to bed and are clueless what your Q will look like, just get up at 04:00 and read some old BB’s.  
  • Speaking of Backblasts, this region is on fire with writing them.  Well done men.  This gets me excited….in fact, my phone just buzzed w/ a notification.  Looks like Plank just wrote one for the Star.  If memory serves me correct, there are now more Star BB’s from the last month than the total number of Star BB’s from 2015 to 2020.  Impressive.  Now I think I’m getting stiff.    
  • Speaking of Stiffy, $2 says he posts tomorrow at Ram. 
  • Note to all:  go practice your free throws, you bunch of Helen Kellers   



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