QIC:  Plank
  PAX:  Taz, Cableguy, Capt Brady, Plank, Hotlips
  Date:  02/11/21
  AO:  Star

2 with a solid prerun around the beautiful, sometimes Skunk infested community of Bethlehem.   

4 posted for what I will call KISS.  Keep It Simple AND Stupid…Usual wamups with good mumblechatter.  Some reminiscing about PAX of yesterday…Binary also Part Time..Man I miss that dudes comments,  1 classic was he was referring to his drive to the AO when he almost hit one of the ALX favorite animals the Skunk.  “Man i straddled a big one coming over here this morning” …good laughs…

Ok back to it.


We didn’t move from our warm up spot.

Each of the 4 PAX had to think of 2 exercises,  round Robin ( Not So Mary Go Round), each exercise was to be 25 reps IC and we would complete 100 reps of each exercise.  Sounds easy…….NOT

Merkins, Squats, Flutter Kicks, LBC, SSH, High Kees/ Butt Kickers, Overhead Claps, LBC….

I started with the merkins IC, then decided hey single count these mothers..Not going to be an easy day for sure.  

We almost made it to 100 reps of each we lacked just 1 last round of the last 4 to complete before time….

Man, that is not easy, we didn’t move from the spot were we started and got smoked.  KISS, Keep It Simple AND Stupid

Lots of good chatter and as always we gonna laugh at the Star.   Great group of men.  Come on out and see what you been missing.

WOD, just like this workout,  our relationship with God should be simple.  We do not have to complicate our relationship with all the other things.  KEEP IT SIMPLE…Love your God with all your might, love your neighbor as yourself.  “Be still and know that I am God”.

Plank out




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