QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Cooper The Dog, Medball, Belding, Stiffy, Centerfold, Powder, Crossstitch, Goodwill, Cropduster, Dilbert, Phlegm, Jordache, Plank, Goldberg, Creeper, Markup, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  01/29/21
  AO:  RAM

Weather:  Cold.  Low 20’s.  Cousin Eddie rolled up in a sleeveless sweat layer, long sleeve sweat layer, warm layer, and my semi-puffy bright green vest.  Some would describe it as an airbag.  More on that later.  Also, yes, CE sweats a lot.  Proverbially speaking:  Like a Lady of the Evening in Church.


Warmups.  Note:  CE had already spent 10 or minutes doing some hip stretches.  Yes you’re correct I have no self worth left.

Mosey towards a very old route that Igloo took us through about 5 years ago.  Not sure what triggered my memory of running this way, but we did.  Powder thought it was going to be another one of Cousin Eddie’s Trail of Memories where I would opine of the good ole days as we ran.  If I did, I would have given more info as we passed the old El Sombrero site.  Who remembers that joint?  At the time, The Hat as it was fondly called was about the only Mexican joint in town and it was delicious.  Other than Max’….still haven’t been to Max’.  But in hindsight, it was pretty nasty.  Once it shut down, I heard rumors that it was one of the grossest kitchens in town.  That says a lot given some of the ones I’ve seen in my days. 

Anyway, we did one burpee per parking spot in front of the building right after we passed The Hat.  Wasn’t a lot..probably 10 or so.  Mosey down to the Hickory Chair employee parking lot.  That lot was about 1/2 full of idling cars as dudes were waiting for the first work bell to ring.  We showed them 5 WW2’s, 5 merkins, 5 squats, and 5 burpees and kept moseying towards Tate Blvd. 

Right before Tate, we took a right into an office complex.  One merkin/spot along one side, then one squat/spot, one merkin/spot, and finally one squat/spot.  This took a lot longer than I expected (twss). 

Cross over to Tate and up to the Fast and Fresh convenience store on LR Blvd.  Crossed over there and hit a left on that road that used to be a shortcut coming from 127 before an extra stop sign was added.  Moseyed down to old Kenworth School.  10 WW2’s, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 burpees. 

Mosey towards 127.  Here’s where it got good.  At that intersection, we cut into that shopping center.  You know the one with the old comic book store.  CrossStitch mentioned something about heading there during lunch today.  Then BAM, sniper got me. 

Here’s what I recall:  as we cut down that parking lot, CE was moving along at about a 6:45 pace.  Just flat out getting after it, I tells ya.  It couldn’t have been timed better.  I planted my right foot and as I was bringing it up, I clipped a pretty small speed bump.  The fall didn’t last long, but the skid did.  I looked like one of those extras on the set of Saving Private Ryan storming the beaches of Normandy.  It was an instant fall and I slid on the flat of my shoulder for a couple feet. 

Then there’s that moment of awkwardness.  Dudes that saw it are concerned “are you ok”, etc. but they can’t wait for confirmation that you are so they start laughing at you.  I assured them that all was well.  First thing I heard was from Phlegm:  “good thing you were wearing that airbag”.  Then some comments about a sniper.  Then ‘are you bleeding?’  I didn’t think so at first, but dang.  My finger was bleeding like a stuck pig and it was on my shorts (and airbag).  Needed a 10 count to assess the damage.  Time was running out, so we booked it back to LR.  Hand was throbbing a bit, but other than that (I think) I’m good.  Tomorrow will be the true litmus test….fingers crossed. 

Ruckers were waiting on us, which is a first.  WOD/COT, etc.      

Good to see all.  Clifford/3 Dog, Flex Seal, Belding, and Dragonfly were all prayed for.  



  • $10 says that at least 1/2 of those cars in the Hickory Chair parking lot had dinner boxes that were packed with an ice cold Sun Drop 
  • If you’re not sure what a Dinner Box is, you clearly haven’t worked at either a mill or a yard crew.  Two phrases I learned about while on the Shuford Mills yard crew were:  break time & dinner box and by God, it didn’t matter what you were doing.  When it was break time, it was break time.  On the nose.  
  • Excellent mumblechatter this am.  
  • It was good to be back out in the gloom.  Hip still isn’t perfect, but your boy is going to continue to give it a go and hope for the best.  Reminder that you have Whipping Stick & running options tomorrow at Bargain Hunt.  Circle back for BEC/Coffee around 07:00. 
  • As promised, today’s workout was Ram Candy.  Or Randy for short….does that mean that Tuesday would be Howitzandy?  Expressandy? Whipping Standy?  ERandy? 
  • Either way, I appreciate yall being good sports and hanging with me
  • Good luck to the fellas headed out to do SoMo50 tomorrow.  Yall get after it.  
  • I do need to give credit to The Hat for serving the coldest Tecate ever.  Which is clearly the best Mexican beverage known to man.  But it has to be in a can.  Bottled Tecate is swill.  
  • Today’s word of the day was fairly broad.  I reminded pax that if you haven’t read either Freed to Lead or Q Source (both written by Dredd) I highly recommend it.  They are easy reads but powerful.  That dude has a way with words.  I touched on one topic:  Candor that I’m a big fan of.  Practice it.  Here’s a link to that subject if you wanna check it out:  CANDOR
  • Audi





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