QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Retread, CrossStitch, Publix, Sheamus, Kapowski, Powder, Fuse, HBC, Billie Jean, Goodwill, Short Sale, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  01/25/21
  AO:  ER

Statler & Waldorf.  That’s who those dudes are in the photo above.  Hopefully you’re not too young to not know who those dudes are.  I loved them.  They were old, cranky, and always talked (poo) about everything.  More on them later. 

Weather:  balmy 45.  Couple dudes in shorts.  Couple dudes in pantaloons.  


20 burpees OYO.  Note:  that is a correct Slaughter Starter.  A few workouts ago, I incorrectly called 10.  I remember feeling that that wasn’t a sufficient amount of burpees to qualify for a SS.  Glad we got that fixed.  

20 Arm Circles.  The forward and backward types.  


Stop behind what is formally known as the building that houses the Catawba Valley Association of Realtors.  Folks around F3 circles know it as Just Another Place Where Pumpernickle Made a Deposit. 

Your Boy found a massive pile of bricks behind here on a pre-workout ride around.  There are two sizable stacks of holeless bricks.  Fuse, any idea what those are called?  If he says Pavers, I’ll buy that.  For now, we’ll just go with Holeless Bricks. 

50 curls IC

Mosey with bricks halfway up Oakwood Hill, which is officially known as the intersection of 3rd St & 4th Ave.  Around certain circles, it’s known as the place where a group of 1980’s dumbass pre-teens would hide and throw tennis balls at school buses.   

This was the first stop for the following:

20 Merkins 

20 Squats

20 V Ups

20 Seal Claps w/ Bricks

Note:  if you set a brick down = 10 burpee penalty

Next stop was at the bottom of Hospital Hill.  Officially that’s the intersection of 2nd St & 5th Ave.  Same exercises.

3rd Stop was at the top of HH.  5th Ave & N Center St.  Very small circles know that this is the start of where Nana Alice used to roller skate down HH.  Note:  That woman lived life to the fullest.  Same exercises. 

4th Stop was roughly halfway down N Center St. at the Frye Parking Lot.  Dudes on 5th St know that this is where Neighbor Rob’s (not the Enabler) house was before they built the parking lot.  Same exercises.  

5th Stop was at 2nd St & 4th Ave.  Also known as the place where Kapowski is Starting His ER Spoke.  Kapo Always Be Spokin.  Dudes likes patterns as much as Powder. 

Once we completed that lap, it was off to the races.  AMRAP that lap as much as possible.  

Only problem is that we were already close on time.  Fast dudes may have gotten a full lap in but most only had time to finish stops 1 – 4.  Slowsies (that’s me) made it through 3 stops.  No worries, I had fun.  

It’s been several weeks since I returned back to my girl.  Man, I missed her.  

Great to see yall out there, thanks for having me.  


  • Statler & Waldorf.  Otherwise known as Retread & CrossStitch.  Always putting out some zingers and/or one liners.  I guess those are actually the same thing, aren’t they?  Hell, so are RT & CS.  Dudes look like twins.  Maybe we should have gone with Daerter for a nickname for CS.  Anyhoo, this guy can appreciate a good shaming.  Keep it up.  
  • There seems to be a bounty on Your Boy’s head for the upcoming paintball event.  No sweat, I’m really excited about that.  Going to be a ton of fun. 
  • Say that reminds me, anyone got a few body pillows I can borrow?  
  • Along with Statler & Waldorf, the overall mumblechatter was great.  Thanks again fellas. 



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