QIC:  PBJ, Powerband
  PAX:  Clifford, 3 Dog, The Dude, Pedro Martini
  Date:  01/23/21
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

The weather, brisk. The PAX, moderately enthused… all except for a couple 2.0’s who were ready to show their weinke’s to the world. They were ecstatic. 

Here’s how it went down:

Warmup: (all in cadence)
Merkins straight out tha gate- 5 
Cherry Pickers- 6 
Windmills- 6
Leg Raises- 10

Sprint down and back across parking lot.

Here’s where it gets fun. Being their VQ they wanted to make it memorable. As they sat and tried to put something together they kept the F3 spirit of asking each other “how could we make this suck worse”. Frankenstein was born; combine 2 workouts that notoriously suck, a 12 Days of Christmas and a Route 66. You know how they both work so I’ll spare you most of the details.

Stop 1: 1 SSH
Stop 2: 2 OH Claps, 1 SSH
Stop 3: 3 Seal Claps, 2 OH Claps, 1 SSH
Stop 4: 4 Calf Raises, 3 Seal Claps…
Stop 5: 5 squats, 4 Calf Raises…
Stop 6: 6 Moroccan Night Clubs…
Stop 7: 7 Mountain Climbers…
Stop 8: 8 LBC’s…
Stop 9: 9 IST…
Stop 10: 10 Merican Hammers…
Stop 11: 11 Big Boy Sit-ups…
Stop 12 (back at park): 12 Lunges…

2.7 miles and 364 reps (if my math is correct) and finished exactly at 0800. These two have been wanting to Q for a while, and the turn of the calendar meant a new Q schedule, so they were quick to jump at the chance to be added. Personally speaking, as a dad it was a joy to see them want to step up and lead, and then excel when they had the opportunity. On the way home we were able to talk about what this means as F3. We learn what it means to lead through a group of guys and merkins and miles. We learn, like PBJ did today, to adjust our plans on the fly to achieve the outcome we wanted. We learn to keep everyone on task while leaving no man left behind. We learn to evaluate our plans and make adjustments for the future, all so that when we head into the “real world”, the waves that knock most ships off course have no chance against us. 

I am thankful for you men of F3 who challenge and encourage me to be a HIM and are now teaching my 2.0’s to be the same. The down side to all this is that since they’re on the calendar, Copperhead Creek is going have to endure this craziness for a while to come. 

WOD: Matt 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.



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