QIC:  Short Sale
  PAX:  Patti Mayo, Biscuits, Reading Rainbow, Yogi, Sinkhole, Short Sale
  Date:  01/18/2021
  AO:  The Steeple

I know you sit at home sometimes and wonder how YHC comes up with his workouts.

I know you’ve thought about the time it takes to pull off such feats.

YHC is often asked “How were you able to come up with that nonsense?” or “What is wrong, are you ok?” or maybe “Did you just make that up as you went?”

YHC is going to reveal his formula for creating a magical, memorable, and oh yeah, glorious workout!

(YHC might need to drop the H in YHC. Replace it with BA… “Your BAD ASS Correspondent”) – heck yeah

So, here’s the beans:

YBAC likes Acronyms. Yep.

TBH, YBAC likes them a lot. LOL 🙂

So, if you SOB’s are ready, this is YBAC’s KISS (keep it simple Smartypants) approach to a BA workout!


(there it is)

Keep It Simple – Make It Suck (TWSS)

Genius right??

No, YBAC didn’t go to MIT, or even CVCC for that matter. (GPA’s matter folks)

(This backblast is going to be annoying to read. Sorry!)

Here’s what we did:

Warm up:

SSH’s, IST’s, Butt-kickers, FAC’s etc. Take a loop around the church building.

The thang:


Jumping Jacks (SSH’s) in cadence 10 count

Asheville Abs in cadence 10 count

Merkins in cadence 10 count

Squats in cadence 10 count

Take a lap.

(Same thing again)

8 count

6 count

4 count

10 count

Next round,

Jump squats 10 OYO

Asheville Abs (Oh yeah, you like it) 10 count in cadence

‘Merican Hammers 10 count in cadence

Side straddle hops  10 count in cadence

Take a lap.

(Same thing again)

8 count

6 count? (it’s a little foggy if we got to 6 or 4) Where are you Doughboy when we need you??

ETA 6:15 – circle up


WOD, encourage your brothers. Have faith. Be the light. (Keep doing HIM stuff.)

Thanks Patti for having me out in Burke County. Always a pleasure!










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