QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Sheamus, Kapo, Burns, Tooth Fairy, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  12/22/20
  AO:  Howitzer

Weather:  Windy.  Balmy.  

Thang: Disclaimer provided.  My standard warmups:  SSH, Jane Fondas, WW2’s.  Maybe another one in there for good measure.

Mosey to alley.  Burpee suicides to get the heart warmed up.  

Lunge walk up alley stair way.  

1 merkin per parking spot.

Checked out the super heavy chess bench chairs.  Try to move them, they are solid and cumbersome.  

After some shifting & half squatting them, we continued the amble over to the rock pile.  Grab 2, place one on one end of the parking lot, the other at the other end of PL.  Nexercise called was Gassers.  Even though I really didn’t think that they needed to be explained, Your Boy thoroughly explained what a gasser is.  Went something like this:  on one end, you’ll do 20 reps, run to the other end and do 20 more reps.  Do this 5 times for a total of 100 reps for each exercise called.  Simple enough right?  Hells no.  Chaos broke out.  Wackiness ensued.  No one knew what to do.  Now I’m not calling the pax out there a bunch of morons, but damn people.  In the words of my great basketball coach “Yall’d F up a circle jerk, wouldn’t you?”  Now I’ve never taken part in a Circle Jerk, but I can imagine that that’s something you wouldn’t want to mess up.  Now I will admit that there is a possibility that I may have mixed up the terms “rep” and “set” but that’s beside the point isn’t it?  If you aren’t sure what a gasser is at this point, it may be time to check yo’sef.  My man from Winston Salem, Burns, knew what to do.  Kapo may have missed his calling as an attorney.  Dude was spittin’ some legal advice out there….as he was smoking the Q mind you.  Sheamus told him to shut his piehole.  Or at least that’s what I heard.  TF don’t like hi a rock workout, so he too was taking Kapowski, Esquire’s side.  

Regardless of who was right (me, by the way) the Gassers were:  Curls for Girls, Overhead Presses, Bench Press, & Squats. 

In honor of Kapo, we did something I stole from him:  Call your Least Favorite Exercise for the Rest of Us to Do While you do Something that the Q Calls.  It is one of my favorite stolen exercises.  You call something and you lunge walk w/ rock over your head (Rifle Carry).  Or as Ferdinand would call it:  Raffle Carry your rock.

Called exercises were:  Burpees, Diamond Merkins, Hand Release Merkins, Mike Tysons, Gas Pumps, and 4 or so others that I’ve already forgotten.  Sorry dudes, some of this stuff goes in one ear and out the other.  TWSS.

This got us close to the prescribed 06:15 end, but we needed a few minutes to kill.  Mosey to the stairs that go just about no where, except for the edge of the railroad tracks.  Sidenote:  Your Boy is not a smart man but something tells him that those stairs won’t be there much longer.  Anyway, we ran up and hit all steps, then skipped a step, skipped 2 steps, bunny hop all stairs, bunny hop every other step.  Mosey to “Flag”, COT, etc.    

  Observations, etc:

  • I’ve already received a Cease & Desist letter from Kapo’s legal team about his stolen workout.  Dude moves fast in more than one way.
  • Burns from Winston: glad you showed up.  We used to have some regular visitors, but it’s been a minute.  How about you Q something for us? 
  • A rep is not a set and vice versa but damn boys, you really should know what a Gasser does
  • My favorite Big Johnson shirt reads:  I like to Snatch Kisses and vice versa.  Still makes me laugh.
  • Saw Gasser in Greenville yesterday.  He sends all of you hugs and kisses. 
  • Missed seeing the shovelflag this am.  Ferdinand, you know anything about it’s whereabouts? 
  • On a serious note, I took my 2.3 with me on a quick work trip to South Carolina yesterday.  Work has been fairly to mostly stressful lately and having Charlie with me really helped keep (stuff) in perspective.  He’s a good traveling companion.  If you have the ability to take your 2.0 to work with you sometime, try it especially if it’s a road trip.
  • They get old fast. 
  • So do you.
  • Something tells me that you’d handle a Circle Jerk just fine.  Not you, you.  

Always a pleasure.

CE out   




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