QIC:  Kapowski
  PAX:  Centerfold, Fuse, Powder, Belding, Ferdinan, Short Sale, Herniator, Cousin Eddie, Phlegm, Cross Stitch Ruckers: Mark Up, Plank, Dragon Fly, Crop Duster, Creeper
  Date:  12/18/20
  AO:  RAM

For those of you not named Herniator, Tooth Fairy, Tattoo Swanson, or Publix, you missed YHC’s epic fail at Howitzer earlier this week where YHC locked keys in my car before the workout.  It was one of those slow motion fails that as YHC was shutting the door I realized what was happening but couldn’t stop it.  Based on the looks of disbelief from the pax present and subsequent heckling YHC has taken since, it has become obvious to YHC that nearly every car made since roughly 1984 has features built in or keypads that prevent such an unfortunate event from happening.  Apparently the good people at Leggett and Platt did not think these features were worth the added expense, thus putting YHC in the unenviable position of having to reach out to the M to bring the spare key.  Using Herniator’s phone, YHC sheepishly sent the M a text asking her to bail me out of this situation and joined the pax in celebrating Herniator’s 12 Days of Christmas (not to be confused with @PattiMayo’s 12 days of Burpees or @CrossStitch’s 12 days of run a mile, do an exercise, run another mile).  Now typically, while not ideal, reaching out to the M wouldn’t have been completely awful as her workout finishes around 5:45 and is in close proximity to the Howitzer AO.  This, however, in reflection being a chain reaction of events certainly couldn’t have played out that easily.  M texted back to @Herniator that she left her purse with my spare key in it at home by accident and thus had to go back to the house (opposite direction) to get it.  Long and short, M was super late because of YHC but was a trooper and bailed YHC out of my mess, I got the key and made it home.  Now you’d think this would be the end of the story, but you would be wrong.  Fast forward around 7:20 as YHC is literally pulling into the office parking lot.  M calls, annoyed.  Dog won’t go into the house.  Now let me play this back……M was late because of YHC.  Dog didn’t get let out at 6 am per usual.  Dog instead got let out around 7.  Dog refuses to go back in house.  Clearly YHC’s fault for locking keys in my car.  YHC quickly turns around and heads back to the house to get the dog in.  So why did YHC just waste everyone’s time by sharing this story?  Bear with me, it has a correlation with a similar situation our very own @shortsale had to deal with just a day prior.  It seems most of our pax (as did YHC) made the unfortunate decision to fart sack ER on Monday.  Yes it was 30 some degrees.  Yes it was raining.  This decision had a chain reaction.  Shorty was a HIM.  He showed up.  All by himself.  For a sad clown old ER.  Unacceptable.  We let him down.  We needed to pay our penance.   


SSH, Humpy, Hill Billy, windmill

The thang:

Mosey towards downtown.  Not directly though.  Stopped multiple times as we wove around the construction.  Heard some complaints from the pax.  Deal. 

First stop- 5 burpees

Second stop- 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins

Third stop- 5 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, 15 wide arm merkins

Fourth stop- hold on, we happen to be at ER.  Ironically enough, we’re on 20.  Isn’t that the same count we use for ER?  Ahh….after asking Shorty to recap his unfortunate incident from Monday…..2 laps

When finished, few more merkins and mosey back to the flag.


  •  New Years Day Hibriten Run

Prayer Requests: 

  • Powder’s friend Kyle- father passed
  • Quinton- second grader at Belding’s school.  Terminal cancer.  Pray for peace.  Go hug your kids.
  • Doc McStuffins- expecting, pray for health of unborn child
  • Tatowan (sp?)- brother recently passed

WOD:  “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances….” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

We’ve all got so much to be thankful for.  Little things and big things. 



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