QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Bubbly, Caboose, Creeper, Flamer, Publix, Pantene, Lil Sweet, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  12/14/20
  AO:  Evening Wood

20:00 on the dot start.  Everyone was on time and ret to go.  Bonus points over those Soup Sandwichers from Ram.  

Weather:  colder than it looked.


10 burpees on your own

ABC’s with your feet

Russian Twists

Jane Fondas

Broad Jump from one end of the parking lot to the next

Pick up a block

Raffle Carry it to the front of Corinth.  Yes, Raffle.  Only city slickers call it Rifle Carryin’.  

Keep up the block and lunge walk to the other end of the front of Corinth. 

Walk w/ block to the breezeway.  Curls on the way. 

Wall sit for a minute.

10 overhead presses. 

10 decline Hand Release merkins

back to wall sit

10 curls

10 overhead presses


Mosey to the left w/ your block, set yer block down. 

1 merkin per parking spot.  Went about 1/2 way around that circly drive.  Bear crawl 1/4 of that circle and finish off 1M/PS for the circle.  Pick up yer block. 

Mosey w/ block back to the front of Corinth. 

Flamers in cadence.

25 bench presses IC

16 Bent over rows

Asheville Abs

10 skull crushers

Leave blocks and mosey to a tiny little hill in the parking lot. 

Bear crawl up, crawl bear down x 5

broad jump across the width of the parking lot

only had time for one round of gassers:  Star Jumps 20 each x5

On the way to picking up your blocks, 20 burpees on your own. 

WOD, Announcements, Prayer, Shoot the Poo.

Stream of Consciousness: 

  • 60% of the time, Evening Wood is a great time.  Everytime. 
  • If there were a Happy Hour after EW, attendance would likely skyrocket. 
  • Or at the very least, my fat ass would go more often. 
  • Otherwise, I’m usually in my jammies by 20:01
  • Bubbly is part of a podcast that talks about beer, women, and various things.  Listen to it:  3 Beers Down.  It’s highly entertaining.
  • It’s even more entertaining when Cousin Eddie joins the 3BD Crew as 4th wheel. 
  • You familiar with the band Wood Brothers?  The Wood brothers that I know are significantly cooler than the band.  Well…..at least one of them is.  I’ll let you judge which one I’m talking about.  
  • A certain pax inquired about EW.  That certain pax asked for No Running.  We didn’t run much at all, so you’re welcome brother man.  
  • In case you’re curious it was Creeper.  
  • Super glad that dude is coming out….even if it’s at the retirement home commonly known as Star.  I kid, I kid.  He’s my homie.   
  • Then there’s Caboose & Lil Sweet.  Those dudes just keep showing up.  This also makes me happy.  Caboose seems like a force to be reckoned with.  
  • I dated a chick from Down East in college that always talked said stuff like “I reckon”  And she was always fixin’ to do something too.  I gave her loads and loads of hell for talking like that.  That has nothing to do with anything.  Just thought you’d like to know. 
  • Anyway, Lil Sweet is a beast too.  Dude all but carried me up the Appalachian Trail for 40 miles.  He’s good peeples.  
  • Anyone hungry?  If so, holla at Publix.  That dude apparently has stacks of groceries.  
  • Year is wrapping up.  It’s hard to imagine.  What a batshit crazy year it’s been too.  I’m grateful for all of you fellas.  Keep making this place we live in a better place.  We’re changing people.      




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