QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  Ferdinand, Tooth Fairy, Billie Jean
  Date:  11/24/2020
  AO:  Howitzer


Warm Up-

ATT, Humpies, Little Arm Circles, Smurf Jacks
The Thang-
Mosey to the other side of the parking lot for some parking lot work. Inch Worm to the first three parking lines stopping at each one for 10 Merkins, Crab Walk to each of the next 3 parking lines stopping at each one for 10 LBCs, and lastly Bear Crawl to each 6 lines stopping at every other one for 10 Plank Jacks.
Mosey to the wall beside the fountain (I once jumped in for F3) for Peoples Chair and Wonder Bra X20 IC. Recover then Balls to the Wall, this is when Billie Jean said “this is how I messed up my shoulder last year at the beach” to which I said “shut it 10 more seconds.” I’m totally kidding but we did do a slow count down from 10 and then recovered. 
Mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the bridge going over 127. Stop for some Mary. All IC X 15 Flutter Kicks, Roseletta, and Freddy Merc…. “IS THAT TRUCK Pulling into this parking lot???? Lets hop up!!”
Mosey to ER for one full lap. Ferdinand and BJ seemed really happy about this after posting Monday morning, haha. 
Mosey back to Flag for Step Ups X20 IC, Tricep Dips X15 IC and 1 min low plank. And before Patti asks we did not do it the “new and improved way”.
Each night at dinner my family does “high, low and funny” from our day but last night we changed it up with Thanksgiving this week. After sitting around the dinner table and hearing what things my children were Thankful for it made me realize how lucky I am. They talked about the little things in life (their pets, pretty days, our neighbors, school, their friends, etc) that are easy to look over with everything going on these days. 
I challenged the PAX to be excited and thankful for the little things in life. One thing I am thankful for is F3 and the men that make it up!  



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