QIC:  Biscuits
  PAX:  Arby's, Belding, Medball, Patti Mayo, Reading 🌈, Sinkhole, Tattooed Swanson
  Date:  11/19/2020
  AO:  The Tower

So YHC has had a song come up on Pandora quite a few times, and every time I heard it I thought, “This would make a terrible song for a workout.” So, naturally, I queued it up! I brought my boombox (aka, phone plugged into my truck) and showed up at the Tower to share the music.

Warm-up (called in cadence):

  • 13 Humpies (Planned on 10, but lost track of time)
  • 10 (40) LAC’s
  • 10 (40) RAC’s
  • 10 (20) SSH’s
  • (And then a nice, smooth transition from “warm-up” to “workout”) 10 (20) Merkins
  • 9 (18) SSH’s
  • 9 (18) Merkins
  • 8 (16) SSH’s
  • 8 (16) Merkins
  • 7 (14) SSH’s
  • 7 (14) Merkins
  • 6 (12) SSH’s
  • 6 (12) Merkins

YHC thought about going down to 1-count, but no sense in getting into a rut this early in the workout. Plus, we had some boats to not rock. We moseyed across the street to where I had left my boombox.

Don’t Rock the Boat:

Before jumping in, YHC explained the how.

  1. Everyone starts in a plank position.
  2. Every time a line ends with “…don’t rock the boat.”, rotate one hand overhead and then return to plank position. Alternate to opposite hand each time phrase occurs.
  3. Every time a line ends with “…that other shore.”, do a Merkin and return to plank position.

You can do the same right now; IT’S SO FUN – TRY IT!

Now we lunge walk to the other shore… …err, end of the parking lot. Everyone on their 6 for 10-count Asheville Abs courtesy of Patti Mayo, and then a lunge walk back to center.

Now for song #2! Quite similar to the 1930’s version, but sped up a little.

Now we lunge walk to the other shore, 50 LBC’s, and lunge walk back.


We mosey to the far end of the parking lot again for our next exercise. Tattooed Swanson mentioned something about boats: he must have been reading my mail (or maybe I’m too predictable), because he was not wrong. Starting at 25 each, we do:

  • B. Big Boy Sit-ups
  • O. Overhead Claps
  • A. American Hammers
  • T. Travel Merkins

We then mosey to the other end, 20 count, mosey back, 15 count, mosey, 10 count. It’s close to 6:15, so we mosey back to the flag. With one minute to spare, we finish the 5 count and done!


YHC shares a devotional from Solid Joys: We All Need Help:

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16

Then count-o-rama, name-o-rama, and YHC prays us out.




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