QIC:  Phlegm
  PAX:  Owie, Twig, Fuse, Sooner, Retread, Cuz, Target, Cross Stitch, Short Sale, Sheamus
  Date:  11/16/2020
  AO:  ER

It was a warmer than average cool morning. Everyone could tell that most didn’t wanna get out of bed. This included yours truly who lead off with a high degree of enthusiasm as usual.

Warm Up
windmills x 10 IC, inch worms x 10

1 Lap of Old ER (Shorty was fast)

The Hill by the Funeral Home

Bear Craw up, crawl Bear Down x 3 (shorty was fast)

Lunge walk up, walk lunge down x 3 (fuse showed his jazz hands)

Crab Walk Up, Walk Crab Down x 3 (this sucked)

Duck Walk Up, Walk Duck Down x 2 (cross stitch’s short legs helped him) 

Inch Worm up, Worm Inch Down x 2 (poor form at the way around)

Mosey Back to Flag
Count, names, announcements; Thanksgiving convergence, Murder Bunny Mile day after Thanksgiving, Twigs Weenie Roast 12/4, RSVP Christmas Party 12/5. Write BB (this is the first one I’ve written in 3 years!) 

prayers: people with CoViD and their families

WoD/thoughts; give your family a lasting present this holiday season  give them something that will last forever . Put your heart on paper and write love letters to your spouse and kids. Impart your wisdom and leave a written legacy.




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