QIC:  Belding
  PAX:  Bingy, pumpernickel, Cuz, Ferdinand, Retread, Toothfairy, Frank-n-Beans, Squints, Peaches, Sheamus, Creeper, Caboose, Belding
  Date:  10/08/2020
  AO:  Expresso

Pre-Pre- Run consisted of 2 PAX (YHC & Dingy)

Pre-Run- 2 PAX (see above)

Beatdown – 13 PAX (solid showing)

YHC was privileged to Q this morning.  On Slack YHC noticed an opening in the Q schedule and since the Expresso site-Q had just Qed at the station YHC figured why not!  With that being said, thanks PUMP for Qing at the Station, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you fart sacked on the Pre-pre-run.  

The majority of the Expresso men were ready to roll by 5:25.  YHC gave a 1-minute warning.  Disclaimer was given and so the fun began.

Warm-up:  Imperial Storm Troop (IC) x 10    Failure to Launch (IC) – until complaining began   Hand Relead Merking (OYO) x10    Burpees (OYO) x 6  =  36 reps to represent “36 Hours of Joy!”

Next, each PAX went and retrieved a standard block.  YHC moved most of the blocks to the loading dock, which confused some, but everyone managed to get a block and then we rifle carried the blocks to the front of Corinth.  The Expresso PAX questioned, why YHC moved the blocks just to run past the block pile, honestly, it was just because YHC likes to move things.

Thing #1 (In front of Corinth Church):  Each PAX partnered up at the edge of the grass.  Partner 1 was tasked with rifle carrying their block to the other side of the grass, completing 2 burpees, and then rifle carrying the block back.  While Partner 2 works to complete:  100 Blockees, 125 Over-Head-Press, 150 Block Squats.  Partners switched roles keeping count cumulative until all reps were accounted for.   LBCs for the six

There was a lot of excitement about this.  Mumble chatter slowed to a stop pretty fast or it might have been because YHC was breathing so heavy.  Frank-n-beans looked like Thor with his one arm rifle carry, which was quite impressive.  

Thing #2:  Each PAX completed murder bunnies the length of the grass area.  This was a crowd-pleaser.  Everyone planked for the six. Ferdinand gave a 10 count.

Thing #3:  Grip-Rip-Roll (IC) with block.  PAX sit on their 6 with their block off to one side, grab the block and place on the opposite side of your body, roll onto block into a plank position, roll back to your six, and repeat (IC) 10 times.  Next, Flutter Blocks (IC) x 10.  Then Freddie Blocks (Freddie Mercuries with you block held above your head 6-12 inches off the ground) this was IC 20 times.  At this point, YHC noticed that time was running short.  Also, several PAX noticed that we were really getting acquainted with our blocks. 

PAX rifle carried their block to the side of Corinth Church.

Thing #4:  Australian Mountain Climbers (AMC) x 10.  This time our blocks got to rest and we did the work.  YHC gave a solid demonstration and explained that AMCs are always done IC, if you want to know why ask Plank. 

Next, PAX carried their blocks back to the “block nest” and then slow mosey back to the church parking lot.  Once back everyone circled up and YHC called for everyone to high-plank.  PAX round-robin counted to 200 or attempted too.  The struggle was real!!  YHC called High to Low plank and vise versa at increments of 50.  

Word of the day focused on the importance of the shield lock and YHC shared his story of how he got involved in F3.  If you don’t have a shield lock you need one.  A shield lock is a close relationship with 2-4 PAX that are in close proximity and that you share the same core values.  These are the men that you share your struggles, joys, and everything in-between.  These are the men that know you best and can call you out when you are decelerating in any area in your concentrica and you can do the same.  These are the men that you confide in and that you are intentional about fostering a deep relationship with on a regular basis.  Your shield lock always has your back, because they know that you are always covering theirs.  If you don’t have a shield lock then find one!  Start with you and one other man.  Ask a man that you feel could be your shield lock.  Then look for a 3rd man to join.  YHC shared his story and then emphasized the importance of posting in the gloom.  If you are a man that is new or that has fallen off the F3 train, then stop making excuses.  If you are reading this then you know that you need this!  Stop making excuses and post!  YHC has never posted and regretted it, he has not posted and has always regretted it.  The bottom line, sad clown syndrome is real and it starts with excuses.  Get out, post, get better, build your shield lock, grow your durability, and be a mover/shaker in your community.  Let’s go!!

Countarama —– Namorama —–


Hilloween October 28th (Retread)

36 Hours of Joy will be October 23 starting at 11:00 PM until October 25th at 11:00 AM.  Come out and run/walk/ruck the mile loop in Catawba, NC.  We need volunteers for Saturday, if you are available please let YHC know and we can get you plugged in to help.  If you want to donate money to this event prior to October 23rd you can send in a check. Please make checks out to “Mt. Sinai Baptist Church” and in the memo section put “36 Hours of Joy.” Checks can be mailed to PO Box 370, Catawba, NC 28609. Check out the Facebook and Twitter pages below.  

https://www.facebook.com/36HoursofJoy    https://twitter.com/36Hoursof

Prayer requests ——  Prayer

Thanks for allowing YHC to guest Q at Expresso.  If you’ve never been to this AO check it out.  It’s a great AO!



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