QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Swanson, Patty Mayo, Doughboy, Short Sale, Plank, Publix, Snorkle, Flex Seal, Velma, Peaches, Flamer, Katniss, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  08/12/20
  AO:  Organ Grinder

Dang, this new format is fancy.  CE likey.  T Claps (again) to Taz.  

Weather:  Soup Sandwich.  Terrible.  Muggy.  Hot.  Wet.  And that’s just what was inside my pants (HEY O!).

Deal: Pre – Run at 04:55.  Prerunners:  Patty, Katniss, Dougboy, and CE.  3 miles down to Hospital Hill, Oakwood Hill and through downtown.  

Warmups – standard junk (also inside my pants)

Wait….this is the newer OG.  There are no warmups, I’m just trying to slide in some dirty mentions here.  No disclaimer given (Strike one, sorry about that folks…also what I’ve had to say about the situation inside my pants….sometimes about the contents in the front and/or the back of them). 

Just run the prescribed route.  Yeah, that’s right OG is now a running AO.  Just like Arrow.  Cept most of the dudes that posted at OG aren’t planning on getting a sub 7:30/mile pace in.  In fact, most aren’t planning on submitting a sub 12:00/mile pace.  But that’s cool.  No pressure here fellas, you just get after it however you can.  Also what I’ve had to do sometimes….get after it however I can.  Anyhoo.

Rumor is that Swanson and Flex Seal wanted to get back into some running, so they recruited some Slow Jamz runners to OG to gauge interest.  Apparently there was some interest b/c we had more slow dudes today than Arrow (more on that later), the original and uppity running AO.  Those dudes would run in top hats and monocles if they could.  Anyway, kudos to Swanson and Flex for getting out of their comfort level to try something new again w/ OG.  Note: OG has had more facelifts than…than that chick that used to host the Tonight Show every now and then.  COME ON, what’s her name?  Barbara something or other.  And I’m not looking it up either.  Anyway, OG has changed a lot since it was first born.  Started in the bowels of Hickory park.  Non-running AO.  To call OG Skanky back then would be an insult to the word Skanky.  OG was a downright, dirty Meth Mouthed Dumpster Fire.  Then the park got an upgrade and OG was all pimped out with a fresh layer of asphalt so they moved up the road.  Then it turned into a kettlebell workout.  Then the city built a big assed automagically closing gate so you couldn’t get in before it opened.  Then Swanny moved it over to Ridgeview.  Things were good.  We met Twister.  Hindsight, she should have been named Swirly.  Sorry, that was some serious rabbit holin’ right there, where were we?  Oh yeah, OG is a running AO now.  For slow dudes, dudes on crutches, one legged dudes, dudes w/ three legs (not me), etc.  Typical mileage is 3. 

Since I figured that there would be dudes running lots of various paces, I thought it would be a good idea to just tell the fast dudes to go pick up the 6 after completing each leg (there were 4 legs).  That way, we’d all stay fairly close.  Faster dudes can pick up a bit more mileage if they PUT6.  Slower dudes can just keep on moseying as needed.  Worked pretty well (more on that later).

COT, annoucements, etc. 

shirt order, sign up for Iron Pax – or be shamed for eternity, Q Source in 15 minutes. 


  • an Arrow regular posted something snarky to Slack about OG becoming a running AO last night.  It was amusing.  
  • when the number of OG attendees was announced on Slack, poo hit the fan.  Fast.  Then it got non-amusing. 
  • Someone got called an a$$wipe.  Another got called a Lying Blue Scum Belly.  A Buggerer.  It was out of control.    
  • there was an uproar of emotions between Arrowers and OG’rs.  Note:  Arrowers may be faster, but I’d put money on OG’rs in an AO battle.  They likely pack more heat than yall do.  And this time I’m talking about guns and knives.  Plus, they outweigh Arrowers by a good elephant or two.  Arrowers just need to Ice Up, Son.    
  • Part of the argument was that Arrow dudes will flat leave your a$$ on a route if you’re too slow.  There’s no PUT6.  Or at a minimum, there isn’t much of it. 
  • I see both sides of this.  When you’re running, it’s 99.5% You vs You.  We aren’t having a race and we have a lot of fast dudes that are trying to get better.  But it also isn’t encouraging for anyone that’s interesting in trying running out.  I may be wrong, but it started at 5:15 because everyone that was an OG was plodding out a 10:00/mile pace and it typically took over an hour to finish up the routes.  If you’re slow at Arrow, it can turn into a solo run really fast.    
  • Hot Lips will clarify the history of the start time for us, I’m sure.  
  • Can’t wait to hear about the solution that Swanny and Retread come up with.  There was talk of moving both AO’s to a mutually benefitting site so that we can all post together, regardless of your speed yet still keep two AO’s: Skinnies vs Fatties.  Remember that Johnny Quest song?  It was dope.      
  • I like that idea a lot.  
  • But it’s not up to this guy.  Just those two cats.  
  • Which is what is so cool about F3.  We all have opinions and we’re not ashamed to share them, especially on a Slack channel.  But because those 2 dudes chose to Lead as a Site Q, they are the only ones with opinions that actually matter.
  • Want to help lead?  Holla.        
  • Be on the lookout for (another) annoucement from the dudes of Conover.  And Newton.  Or Newver….Conoton.  Whatevs, CSAUP coming soon.
  • Can we just go with the N/C dudes?  
  • Or dudes from the Duplex?  I’ve always been partial to that.  
  • So glad to see some old faces out there this am:  Peaches and Velma, keep it up? 
  • Keep EH’ing old pax.  It’s fun to see those dudes roll up in a Deliverance shirt from 2014.  Or an Angry Preacher one.  
  • For those keeping track at home, my favorite color:  whatever color your moms eyes are






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