QIC:  Doughboy
  PAX:  Flex Seal, Patti Mayo, Swanson, Plank. Flamer, Snorkel
  Date:  08/05/20

Swanson hit me up at The Mount on Tuesday about the idea of making OG the new slow jamz as an alternative to Arrow. I said sure and I already had a route in mind. Patti and I pre ran OG during the Parade of Horribles so I thought this would be a great first route for the new OG.

Route for the day: Right out of Ridgeview Rec Center, left on South Center St all the way up to Hospital Hill, left on Hospital Hill, left at bottom of hospital hill, first right towards Oakwood Cemetery, next left on to 2nd St Pl NW, then right on to 3rd Ave NW, then left on 4th St NW all the way down to 7th Ave SW to return to Ridgeview Rec Center.

Patti wanted to pre run so we got there at 5 for a quick 3 mile run.
Weather was about perfect for an August morning – 68 degrees and lower humidity than what we have been experiencing. It was a welcome relief to not feel like you were breathing through a wet rag.

Finished the pre run and we had a crowd at OG. Ran the route and got back with a few minutes to spare. Introduced the guys to Merkin Hell. 10 merkins with a 20 second high plank right into 9 merkins with a 20 second high plank and so on all the way down to 1.

WOD was from 1 Samuel 8.

What does it say?
The nation of Israel rejected God’s leadership and asked for a king like other nations. Samuel warned the people of what a king would likely do.

What does it mean?
Samuel’s sons were given authority, and they took advantage of their position. This prompted the elders of Israel to ask for a king like other nations instead of trusting God to handle the situation. By doing so, they were rejecting their identity, their history, and God’s leadership. They didn’t trust God and wanted the control to do what they believed was best. God warned the people that the cost of having a king would be great. Still, they chose to trust their own knowledge and understanding over God’s perfect wisdom.

How should I respond?
We all experience difficult circumstances – sometimes as a result of the poor actions of others. In those moments, we must remember who we are – children of God. Our identity begins with our Creator. Take a moment to reflect on the character of our God: His faithfulness, consistency, wisdom, and trustworthiness. What situation are you trying to take control of? Will you trust God’s wisdom and knowledge to work things out on your behalf? Determine right now that you will trust God’s wisdom over your own. The cost of going your own way is too great.

My thought from this was that we are in an election year and so many put their trust in a person or a political party but our true identity is in God. No matter what happens, He is on the throne and in charge. We need to rely on Him and His faithfulness.

T-claps to Swanson for continuing to push the new OG location and adapting it to bring a larger audience. Anyone interested in slow jamz, OG is your spot!



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