QIC:  Powder

Covid 19 thought it could stop the men of Hickory from celebrating the 6th Anniversary but it was wrong. No we were not able to all get together from across the region in one central place, but that is definitely coming when all of this is over. The virtual Zoom workout is a little different but 15 HIMS got together to have a beatdown to celebrate. I normally don’t get nervous about Qing anymore but for whatever reason the workout had be tight as a tick, I was pulling a Cuz. I woke up at 2:10am and never really went back to sleep. I was all jacked up just with the idea of getting together with PAX.

Warm up-

SSH, ATT, Humpies, Windmill, Little Arm Circles (All IC X 20)

The Thang-

20 Wide-arm Merkins into a 1min low plank then 10 Wide-arm Merkins

BOMBS- 5 Big boy situps, 10 Overhead Press, 15 Merkins, 20 Burpees, 25 Squats. We did BOMBS in a ladder order B then BO, BOM, BOMB, finishing BOMBS.

Back to 20 Wide-arm Merkins into a 1min low plank then 10 Wide-arm Merkins

LBCs, RBCs, & Freddy Mercurys all IC X 15

BLIMPS- 5 Box Cutters, 10 Lunges/ leg, 15 IST, 20 Merkins Hand Release, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Star Jumps. Ladder like before B, BL, BLI, BLIM, BLIMP, then BLIMPS.

Back to 20 Wide-arm Merkins into a 1min low plank then 10 Wide-arm Merkins

Finish with some more Mary- Pretzels 10/ side, Jane Fondas 10/ side, 6″, and Asheville Abs led by Patti Mayo (on AOL Dialup)

WOD: Reflect what F3 has meant to me over the last 5+ years and how even in these uncertain time Iron still can sharpen Iron.



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