6:07 – enter Northview parking lot.  It’s empty.  Also cold.  28 or so degrees, I believe.

6:14 – One Minute Warning is given.  To an empty parking lot.

6:15:01 – Beaker rolls in.

6:15:31 – Publix joins us.

Warmups.  Light cadence was merited as Pub and Beak were completely ignoring the light cadence and talking about something.  Can’t recall what it was.  Either way, warmups were standard issue.

Bunny hops up staircase, then the long mosey begins.

We stopped during the LM to do increasing 1 – 10 circuit.  On a level of Easy to Difficult, this was about as CandyLand as I hope to ever see but my dang neck is still geeked up so I couldn’t quite turn this one up to Volume 11.

1 – 10:

1 hand release merkin, 1 squat, 1 WW2 situp

Increase by 1 each stop.

Only part that wasn’t sponsored by the Gumdrop Guild was the Eleanor Suicide.  Starting at the bottom, we moseyed to the 1st light pole then back down.  Mosey to 2nd light, back down.  Mosey all the way to the top.

Head back to shovel flag.

WOD/Head to Gouda for vittles

You were missed if you weren’t there.


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