QIC:  Goodwill
@Goodwill please remove all squats and step ups from whatever routine you have conjured up for tomorrow.  My upper legs can’t take anymore.”  The request that started it all.  I felt obliged to grant this request as Swinger is a PAX who rarely misses anything below a 5 mile run.  I just didn’t think he would mind if we did a couple “cough hundred cough”.
Since we all now live in Seattle or at least that’s where the weather thinks we are, I think I had my alarm set to Pacific time.  Woke up at 5:10 and late the A/O by 5:23… not bad for a wet morning.


The PAX were already circled together after warming up looking very content to discuss feelings and enjoy each others company so I had to ruin that for them with my arrival. Sorry men.

Since this is Lenoir I would imagine the warm up went something like this.  I won’t put numbers if PBR was in control of the cadence.  Then it’s anyone’s guess as to when he stopped.

SSH, Humpees, Little Arm Circles (Reverse), Hairy Rockettes, and possibly some burpees since Twin was there.

Since running is not something I can Q until I actually start doing that particular exercise we didn’t leave the parking lot today.

All About The Benjamins with a block for bookend exercises.

Complete the following in sequence until 100 of each different exercise is completed.

25 Curls for Snips, 50 Prisoner Lunges, 25 Overhead Press. (Replace Prisoner Lunges for Stepping Squats after completing 100 Lunges)

25 Bent Over Rows, 50 bear crawls about, 25 Weighted Sumo Squat (Forward Hops after 100 Bear Crawls)


100’s and 50 LBCs and 50 RBCs


We love because God first loved us.  Remember what his first act of love for men was.  To make a woman as a helper.  You’re M is always your helper and never a hindrance.  Treat her as such.  Trust that God made the right choice for you as you seek to love him through her.


Hamburger Helper is never a good pre-workout food.

Glutes need to be huge. You’ll thank me later for helping you fill out those jeans.

5:15 is really early after 8 months off.

How do rainproof jackets get soaked through? Gotta be a design flaw.

Goodwill out.


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