QIC:  Flex Seal


The day before YHC’s Q @ The Mount – On Slack Cousin Eddie challenged The Mount to a 305 Burpee beatdown – So thats what we did!

Here’s how it went down:


Every Flex Seal Beatdown starts with Good Mornings – In Cadence

  • Side Saddle Hops
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Vertical Crunches – AKA Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Moroccan NightClubs

There was some mumble chatter about last evenings callout – YHC told the pax that we cant get to 305 burpees without some in the warm-up so

  • 10 Buprees OYO

YHC instructed the PAX to mosey and every time YHC stopped – we were to do 15 burpees (Didn’t Happen)

Mosey to the top of Walgreen’s Hill where The 305 Burpee challenge was nixed! – But this is a “Politician workout” so we can lie!

So what do politicians do? They run for office- How ?

  • They get on their knees to beg their constituents – Bear Crawls – five steps down hill
  • They kiss their constituents feet and make promises – 1 hand release merkin
  • They continue this way
    • 5 more bear crawl steps down hill – 2 hand release merkins
    • rinse & repeat until 10 hand release merkins
  • Run the rest of the way down the hill – Now the politician is elected!

So what does a politician do now – He starts Backpedaling – up the Hill

Grab a block and head to the lighted side of Walgreen where we find a heavy jump Rope and a deck of cards. The cards contain Ace, 2,3, Jokers (the Politician)

In politics there is always wheeling / dealing / and jumping through hoops. SO the PAX take turns picking an exercise for everyone to do AMRAP while they are jumping rope. They flip a card to see how long they need to jump rope

Ace – Until you miss jumping the rope 1x

2 – Until you miss jumping the rope 2x

3  – Until you miss jumping the rope 3x

Joker – AKA “The Politician” needs to be reelected  – back to the hill for downhill bear crawls, hand release merkins, and back pedaling. Getting reelected is slightly easier than the initial election – so only up to 5 merkins.

Called exercises were:

  • 2 parking line suicides
  • Block Squats
  • Overhead Block Calf Raises
  • Block Curls
  • ABC’s – Ab Work
  • LBC
  • RBC
  • Peek a Boo Streets
  • Rocky Balboas
  • Wall Sits with Muhammad Ali
  • Walking Lungs out with Broad Jump Back
  • Shoulder Taps
  • And probably some that YHC forgot
  • Lots of heavy Jump Rope Time for each PAX

Bear Crawls with hand release Merkins and back pedaling was repeated 4x

Blocks up and mosey back to flag were we arrived one min early

  • Low plank Knee Taps

Count Off

Name O Rama

COT – YHC reminded everyone that we need to plan a service project for this year – Keep it local – Help F3 Help the Community.

Mole Skin – Lil Known Fact – YHC ran for Public Office (Catawba County School Board) several years ago. I was the 5th place vote get for 4 seats. However God know what we need – Less than a few months after the election my father had his heart attack. Had I won, I would have not been able to effectively serve. I did see the good & ugly side of politics even in this small town election!

Short Sale has offered a space in his new office (Downtown HKY) for any PAX need a space to hold a bible study/ small group  etc.









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