QIC:  Sheamus

Weather: Brisk.

Warmups. SSH, ATT, Humpties.

Mosey for a lap around the block and back up the steps to where we started. Everyone grab a partner and a block. Partner 1 runs lap while Partner 2 does AMRAP of different exercise until Partner 1 returns. Switch.

Kettle Bell Swings
Bent Over Rows
Bench Press
Goblet Squats
Overhead Press
WWII Situps

We made it all the way to Blockies. Circle up back up for Asheville Abs. Done.

WOD, Annoucements, etc.
We are never guaranteed the next day or even hour in life. This past Sunday, Kobe Bryant, his daughter and 7 others were killed in a helicopter accident. I’m sure Kobe or anyone on the helicopter never thought that day would be the end of their life. We never know when that will be. We can’t control that, but we can control how we live each day. Spend more time with your family. Forgive someone over something that really isn’t that important. Tell someone how you feel about them. Live each day like it’s going to be the last one.

Side Notes:
We had a good crew this morning with a good amount of mumble chatter
Patti Mayo was a rebel and did merkins most of the workout.
Pumpernickel wasn’t having that. Trash was talked for most of the workout.
Ferdinand legit shit his pants. I’m not saying that to be funny. He pooped in his pants.
Powder tried to explain to Pumpernickel how he’d been doing the #2020merkinchallenge. FYI: Pump ain’t got time for yoga and merkins. Trash was talked again.

Thankful for each of you.

Sheamus out.


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