QIC:  Patti Mayo

Temperature: Arctic

Mood: Questionable

Company: Epic

YHC had the q today at the Mount.  The goal was to keep everybody moving because of how warm it was NOT outside. And here’s how it went.

Warm ups- The usual

Mosey over to the wall for some Patti Cake wall sits.  YHC was inspired to give these a try after they were introduced at OG last week.  I figured we couldn’t do any worse than Cousin Eddie did, cause he was riding the struggle bus on those things! I was 1/2 right, it went better than Cuz’s but still a little shaky. Ended with some Joe Frazier’s and moseyed on.

Mosey to the creeper van parking lot. Line up abreast (haha breast) and lunge walk 3 spaces do 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat down and back.  Full fledged Asheville Abs 10 count before moving on.  Mosey to the bottom of the hill to walgreens for a page out of Flex Seal’s ER Meets Mount workout.  Start with 20 merkins, up the hill to corner of Walgreens for 20 Squats, Around the building to the porta-potty for 20 more merkins and back to the start. Drop by 2 reps every lap AMLAP.

Mosey back to flag, took the long way and stopped periodically to knock out 50 more merkins at 10 a stop.

WOD-If we knew when christ was coming back, everyone would be a christian!




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