QIC:  Banjo

The best part of the day is forcing yourself from the fart-sack to get fit and have fellowship. On a 20 degree morning the fart-sack seems to be stronger than normal but today 6 HIMs overcame and benefited from it. The warmup was the usual side-straddle hops, alternating toe touches, and so on. Here is how the rest went:


  • Mosey to the drug store for a ladder.

10-1 Burpees on one end /50yards in between/ 2-20 squats(increments of two) on the other end.

  • Mosey to the short wall at Huffy’s 

10 tricep dips IC and bear crawl across the parking lot-mosey back

9 tricep dips IC and duck walk across the  parking lot-mosey back

8 tricep dips IC and crab walk across the parking lot- mosey back

decending to 1 while repeating bear crawl, duck and crab walk

  • Mosey to Club Cola wall

Split into two groups-

Group 1 wall sits while group 2 lunge walks across the lot and back/Switch

Balls to wall position for 10 IC inverted Peter Parkers

Group 1 wall sits while group 2 lunge walks across the lot and back/Switch

Mike Tysons 10 IC


COT:”The breakdown of the family is the single
most basic reason for the disintegration of our society and
culture. If we don’t solidify the foundation of the family, we will
forever be doing social patchwork.” Tony Evans


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