It was my longest break from a F3 beatdown ever.  The last two weeks have been filled with Christmas, Family and sickness and no gloomy fun.  Still a little under the weather and sounding froggy but ready to go. I find out im on Q.  That’s good so if im feeling a little sluggish I can slow things down a little.  You know thats not going to happen.  This is a PBR Q.  We will be running stairs, running hills, and the counts will be like drunk sesame street (thanks Commando for one of the best lines ever at Prison Break).  Weather man is calling for cold rain maybe a little snow.  Which means the weather was great.  40 degrees and we even had some leg showing.

Warm Up

pleasantries and saying you cant sue me.


Lets mosey

Run down the road then stop and do some arm circles.

Cross the road to the old wall and do some tall boy step ups.  (What does Skee-Lo say?)

Lets mosey.  some one says hey PBR we just past some stairs (Insert evil laugh into my head)

Go to the “nice parking lot” and do some wall sits.

Hmm what should we do next?  Hmmm i dont know maybe we should bear crawl?  Nope.  Its back to the stairs for Stair Time.  So we run the stairs for and while and I mix it up by taking two steps for a while.

Mosey off to Stargate.  Jump ups on the little wall.

Mosey on up the hill and more stairs to the school.  We do this a couple of times.

Mosey over to 1st National Savings and Guarantee Bank for some belly time

Flutter Kicks



Freddie Mercury

Mosey back over to the Bearnie Hill.

three times up with like 40 cars speeding past us.

Mosey on back to the AO


We also mixed in 220 merkins along the way.


Gloom Thoughts

Not much mumble chatter.

Swinger was probably not  happy with me this morning.

Some events may be out of order or left out.

Its amazing how much better I feel after a F3 workout.

636 calories burned.

Spokes and Bismark are going to do the Bootlegger 100 with me.

1100 Total Merkins were Merked

Make sure you drink water and get plenty of rest.



instead of focusing on PR (Personal Records) work on PV (Personal Victories)






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