QIC:  Goodwill

The first bootcamp in the HKY of 2020 was a good one. And we didn’t run a bit. YHC has a boo-boo foot, so I promised there would be no running…but we did tour the entire body and every muscle group, challenging the balance and fortitude of the PAX. I’m on the IR except for stationary bike and water aerobics, so

The mumblechatter was unprecedented for Expresso. Rivaled that of Whipping Stick even, which I thought was because of the relaxed nature of Saturday mornings and the later start time. Maybe the holiday week just had everyone in a good mood.

Warmup:  The usuals – SSH, Humpys, Windmill, ATT

The Thang:

Slow mosey to the St Lukes courtyard for a various and sundry exercises including: Step Ups, Hallelujah Squats, Pullups, Decline Merkins, Incline Merkins, Chinups, Lunge Walk, Bearcrawl, etc.

Slow mosey to basketball court, find a partner, rotate through 6 stations of various exercises. Partner 1 works while P2 does Mary. Stations: Curls, Pullups, Balance Board Squats, Tricep Dips, Bent Over Rows, Kettlebell Swings.

Repeat Courtyard stuff, repeat Basketball Court stuff mixing up the stations a bit.

Wall Sits w/ Muhammed Ali & Joe Fraziers. Backwards Crab Walk up grassy hill, Crawl Bear down, Repeat. Mosey back to flag.

Count, Name-o-Rama, Announcements.

Reminder: First (annual?) 3rd F Event coming up Jan 26, 5pm, Lake Hickory CC. All PAX invited and expected. Looking forward to this event, should be awesome.


For the New Year I’ve been thinking more about getting back to basics than about starting some new diet or workout plan. No resolutions. No new leaf. A scripture to remind me of the fundamentals…that God was there before us and will be long after we’re gone. That He built the foundations of this world.

Psalms 102:25-27 “In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”


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