QIC:  Doughboy

4 PAX decided to play in the rain at The Mount this morning.  Weather was better than it was about 3:30 when the thunderstorms rolled through the area, but it was still plenty wet (TWSS??)

Warm up – x12, in cadence

Alternating Toe Touch

Imperial Storm Trooper

Little Arm Circles

Reverse Arm Circles

Overhead Clap

Seal Clap

Now that the warm up was over, we stayed in our circle and I brought Powder’s plank/merkin combination to The Mount.  It goes something like this:

15 second plank – 5 Merkins

30 second plank – 10 Merkins

45 second plank – 15 Merkins

60 second plank – 20 Merkins

Now that’s over so let’s begin the workout.  We moseyed to the parking lot at Trinity Ridge for the rest of the workout.  The goal of the workout was cardio.

We did 6 reps of 3 exercises for 3:00 with a lap in between.  The exercises were Side Straddle Hops, Air Squats, and Merkins.

1st round – SSH, Squats, Merkins with a lap around the parking lot

2nd round – SSH, Squats, Merkins then a lap around the parking lot followed by Asheville Abs

3rd round – SSH, Squats, Merkins with a lap around the parking lot followed by a bear crawl and broad jump up 1/2 the parking lot

4th round – SSH, Squats, Merkins with a lap around the parking lot followed by a bear crawl and broad jump up 1/2 the parking lot followed by a triple bear; what’s a triple bear you say, you’ll have to be around at a workout that I’m at to find out (or any of the PAX that were there can describe it for you)

Last round – SSH, Squats, Merkins with a lap around the parking lot then back to the flag.

Seeing that we had a couple of minutes left, we did lateral raises with a brick while in a T plank (both sides), followed by Nolan Ryan’s with a brick, followed by one more round of the triple bear!


Running beside someone who is struggling in the race they’ve been given to run is powerful.

Yesterday I watched my son track down and run beside my daughter in her last cross country meet.  I watched his friend run with his big sister.  I watched teammates huddle up and run their friend to the finish line and I watched a dad run step by step beside his son who was ready to quit.

It’s showing up up and saying “I can’t run this race FOR you, but I’m willing to run it WITH you.”

See, running our own race is important, but being willing to be interrupted to help someone else run theirs is important, too.

We’ve all been given a “race” to run.  Some days it all can feel like it’s too much.

Today, how can YOU help someone else run well?  How can you speak life into weary places?  How can you encourage someone who doesn’t know that they can continue?  How can you hold up arms that are ready to drop?  How can you use the gifts you’ve been given to help others be able to use theirs?

It matters.

There’s something about accomplishing a workout in the rain and enjoying the camaraderie of the men that are pushing you.


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