QIC:  Pumpernickel

Warm up:  SSH, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch-Beaker Style, Lil Baby Arm Circles


Thang:  Mosey to stop sign…bear crawl(it wasn’t that far) to the next stop sign…mosey to the rock pile.

No you don’t need a rock pile yet….grab a partner….partner run to stop light come back while other partner is doing Burpees….I thought 30 was enough but we needed to do more.

Once everybody got their feel or fill (you choose) of Burpees we decided to go into some Dora 1,2,3

100 WWIIs

200 Merkins

300 Bench Press with Rock

Partner 1 runs to light Partner 2 does exercise until all exercises are complete.

With 20 minutes left I figured the arms needed a break so we went to Dora 1, 2, 3, and now 4…..

400 LBC….this time run to the other stop light it looked like it was shorter distance; however, I don’ think it was.

With about 15 minutes left, let’s have everyone grab a rock and circle up.  First exercise curls for the girls in cadence to 30….poor Squints….making sure Cuz got Squints rock lets pass rocks to the left…goblet squats cadence to 15….Cuz procedes to keep shitting himself….pass one more time….I now have Squints rock…American Hammers in cadence to 15….mosey back to flag….one minute left…grab a chair hold it above your head lets do squats for the last minute…

WOD: Read Erin Sipe’s blog entry about her battle with stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her brain, bones, and liver…she has scans today and tomorrow as well as chemo tomorrow to see how the meds are affecting her body or to see if any more cancer has spread…throughout it all her perseverance and hope is in Jesus.  In the midst of the struggle she is finding gratitude and peace in Christ in hopes that we may commit to the time to “be” in His presence.   So that we as men during times of struggles or when things go wrong we can stand firm in our faith knowing that we are loved and fully know the goodness of God.  That we can live life with a heart of gratitude and persevere in a way that Erin has in her fight against cancer.  If you want to read the blog post you can find it here (https://erinwsipe.com/2019/12/02/come-let-us-adore-him/)  if you get a chance send up a prayer for her today and tomorrow.


Riff Raff:

When I pulled up at 5:22 and only saw Whiteclaw and TF I was little concerned that today would be my first ever threesome.  But the rest came in hot, especially Kapowski.

Phelgm…I missed that frat boy visor you like to wear, but think Ralphie would have preferred the pantyhose you were wearing on your head to keep warm.

Ralphie, no matter what you wear they will always make fun.

Herniater…you are a man of few words

Whiteclaw…glad to see you back.

Cuz…I think he shat himself a couple times, but when he came to my car to chat after… I rolled the window down and my leftover morning residue smacked him in the mouth….payback bitchezzzzzz


I love you men….thanks for always pushing me physically, but also pushing me to be a better man for my wife and kid(s).  I appreciate all you men showing up this morning.

Im not a writer,





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