QIC:  Powder

10 men showed up in the Gloom for a PowPow (Cuz’s nickname for my already short nickname) substitute Q. This how it went from what I can remember since I did not have a winkie.

The Thang:

Warmup- SSH, Humpies, ATT, IST (All IC X15) Mosey around St. Lukes to the their back parking lot.

Partner up.

P1 run to end of parking lot and do 5 star jumps while P2 did AMRAP of exercises and flapjack in between each. Merkins, Squats, Hand Release Merkin

P1 Lunge Walk P2 does 5 Burpees then run backwards to catch P1. Flapjack until you reach the end of the parking lot. Next Rep: P1 Crabwalk P2 10 Squats, P1 Bear Crawl P2 10 Bonnie Blairs

Mosey to tunnel of love for People’ Chair then a set of People’s Chair with Wonder Bra (IC X20). One set of Balls to the Wall. Mosey to block pile

Curls for the girls & Overhead Press (blocks IC X15). Grab your partner again. While P1 did Fireman’s Carry with blocks around the parking lot P2 did LBCs, flapjack. Rinse and repeat with Flutter Kicks, flapjack.

Russian Twist & Leg Press (blocks IC X15). 2 more laps of Fireman’s Carry with Box Cutters and Rosilettas.

Mosey back to the flag.



Yesterday was Dabo Swinney’s 50th Birthday, some of the PAX know that I like, the reigning NATIONA CHAMPIONS, Clemson Tigers. Told a little bit about his testimony and how he did not have an easy childhood but still had a good attitude. Told PAX that you never know how your testimony could and would effect someone so go and share it and live it out. Left them with two quotes I like for Dabo:

“The only disability in life is a bad attitude”

“Don’t let anyone walk through your mind with dirty feet”


Ralphie Out



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