QIC:  Goodwill, Deuce

So after confirming with Publix the day before that he was definitely good to Q at Expresso, I was surprised at the 5-6 of us standing around at 0528 with no Publix…

So at 0530 I jumped in the middle of the circle to put together a last-minute sub-Q. Deuce rolled in at about 0534 from across the river, and had previously offered his services to guest Q on the Slackline. Noted.

Warm-up: SSH, Humpys, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks. The mumblechatter began right away and didn’t let up the whole time. It was fantastic.

The Thang: Mosey to St Lukes courtyard and spread out on benches. Incline Merkins, Step-Ups, Tricep Dips, Hallelujah Squats, Decline Merkins. Lunge Walk Counterclockwise, Inchworm Clockwise.

Mosey the long way around to St Lukes back lot. Plank up. 10 Merkins, Plank Walk right 10 ft, 10 Merkins, Plank Walk left 10 ft, Repeat.

Mosey to St Lukes playground & establish stations, divide into groups of 2-3. Stations included: Tricep Dips, Lunges, Star Jumps, Pullups. Rotate through each.

Mosey toward Corinth & recruit Deuce to lead block exercises en-route. He stepped right up. Each grab a block and circle up in front of Corinth church. Deuce led us in a horrible cycle of Curls, 5 Block Burpees, Overhead Press, 5 Block Burpees, Chest Press on your 6, 5 Block Burpees. Then a Jack Webb cycle for abs. 1xWWII Situp, 2xLBC, 2xWWII, 4XLBC, 3xWWII, 6xLBC and so on to 10xWWII, 20xLBC. Recover. Then a shocking repeat of Curls, 5 Block Burpees, OHP, 5 Block Burpees, Chest Press, 5 Block Burpees. The mumblechatter reached its pinnacle about here.

Deuce handed back over the Q so I had everyone mosey to the tunnel of love. Everyone in People’s Chair for Wonderbras, Muhammed Ali, Joe Frazier. Recover. Then my personal favorite..Balls to the Wall w/ Merkins for extra points. Recover. Mosey back to blocks for American Hammers & Box Cutters. Return blocks to pile.

Mosey back to flag w/ a few minute to spare. Staggered Arm Merkins x 10 each side, Wide Arm Merkins x 8, Narrow Grip Merkins x 6. Scissor Kicks. Plank Up, Balance on Rt Arm, Left Arm Up, Switch, Plank to 0615.


I didn’t prepare a word as I wasn’t expecting to Q. But Retread stepped up and shared about the importance of mental health and being willing to talk when you need to. With the recent stories of men struggling with depression or anger and doing drastic things like taking their own lives or others’, it’s so important for men to share their struggles with other men when they need to. HBC added that we, as men equipped to deal with adversity when called upon, need to be willing to help share the burden for other men.

Enjoyed it this morning fellas.

– G


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