QIC:  Jordache

So, Pantene was a responsible MQ & let me know the day before that I had the Q. Mad props brah, I had no idea. Cuz has been up to his usual grumble, most of it being inaudible, about how I’m slipping/getting fat/pulling a certain fruit that comes from a can that was put there by a man,  so I knew that I had to bring the heat. Heres how it went down.

Weather: Felt good

Warmup: 15 SSH. 15 Humpies. 15 Storm Troopers. 15 Plank Jacks. 15 Low Plank Jacks. 15 Burpees.

Workout: We moseyed to the block pile & partnered up. Partner 1 ran down to the stop light & back while Partner 2 did the following with blocks & switched:

Overhead Press. Blockees. American Hammers. Curls. Kettle Bell Swings.

Next, we started at the corner of 1st Baptist with 5 burpees, ran all the way around the block, past the last corner that you did burpees at, to the next corner for 5 more burpees. You get the point. We almost made it around the full block with burpees but Beaker & Powder pulled something similar to the infamous “Flamming Cropduster” & ditched the last corner to run back to the flag. Time was tight but they didn’t speed off after we finished circling up either.

Word of the Day: 1Chronicles 16:11 – Look to the Lord & His strength; seek His face always. It’s easy to get distracted, some more than others, but be sure to SEEK HIS FACE.

Mumble Chatter: During a round of curls, we chased a rabbit when TF got on the topic of how Pantene should have been named Paul Mitchell or Vidal  Sassoon. This in turn lead us down memory lane to those Herbal Essence commercials with the ladies moaning from follicular pleasure. I asked the pax if they remembered the Herbal Essence where the guy just ‘grunts’* (insert your best or last O sound, if you can remember that far back). HBC chimed in by saying that if it worked for guys, that he wold have taken way many more & way longer showers. After a lot of gagging & chuckles, I chimed in about the how HBC’s M would be questioning why the power bill was sky high, only to be sweated by Kapowski that for someone who works in the trade field that I should know that its the water bill not power bill. News flash, Kapowski has so much money that he’s forgotten that it takes lots of electricity to power a hot water heater (unless your using gas). You can’t hide money folks!

Powder, Beaker, & Sheamus bitched quite a bit too…the end.


*The guy version didn’t exist. That would be gross.


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