QIC:  Pumpernickel

Weather:  Well Powder wasn’t there so you tell me…


Thang:   Start off with some SSH, the Humpy, Alternating Toe Touch, and IST

Do a little partner mosey to the bottom of Hospital Hill.  Partner 1 does 5-star jumps while partner 2 runs.  Catch partner 2 then you run they do star jumps. Get to hospital hill…felt like I needed a 10 count.

Do some BLIMPS about 3/4 the way up Hospital Hill starting with 5 reps of Burpees.  Plank for the QIC.

Backward Run to the light at the top of Hospital Hill, QIC needs a 10 count.

Mosey to the bottom ramp at the parking deck.  This is where QIC realized he explains things better to kids than adults.  Sprint/Jog/ Walk the ramp, stop at the top and start with 5 merkins and 5 LBCs, sprint the ramp add 5 more reps at the top of that ramp… etc etc until we get to the top.  At the top, plank for the QIC.  QIC sees some PAX doing the people chair and gets his next idea.  So we go to the People’s Chair and do some Ali’s and Frazier for a long 30 count.

Walk to the middle of the parking deck where we partner up and do a little ladder drill.  Partner 1 runs levels 1 and 4 and Partner 2 runs levels 2 an 3.  QIC left Phelgm in charge of the exercise.

QIC and Ferdinand dipped out…guessing they finished and did some MARY at the end.


WOD, Announcement, Etc…:  a good QIC wouldn’t leave, but he has kids he has to teach how to shoot a bow.


The Good Stuff:

Swanson showed up with headgear on with it being 34 outside telling us his first post it was 7 outside…cant wait to see what he wears that day…Powder any advice?

Ferdinand showed up and left early….he drove his car with his head out the window because his car was frosted over.  (Defrosting is a must)

Cuz always relies on other people to count for him…joker never keeps up with his reps…in cadence is his best friend.

Swanson told me about 3/4 way up the ramp he couldn’t do push-ups because he got a new tattoo…I was shocked he got another tattoo and he should rub vagisil on it instead of lotion so it doesn’t peel.

Phelgm…he missed all of the warm-up because he was still trying to put his vest on with only 2 straps.   Did he ever get it on?

QIC…sucks at most things including writing this BB.

On a serious note:  I appreciate you men…it’s been an absolute blast doing things that suck, but hurt so good.  Thanks for letting me be a part and just know all the riff raff is in love.

Glad this is the end,



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