QIC:  Guest

Master Q had a quick schedule change for Halloween Q at PrisonBreak from Hanger’s conflicting schedule.  So he dug deep and thought what could be the most terrifying PrisonBreak ever… and thus the surprise guest Q was born!

Master Q was first on the scene, I didn’t want the guest Q to beat me there.  2nd Baby face and immediately following him the ol’ PrisonBreak faithful PBR.  Suspicion aroused PBR that Babyface could possibly be our guest Q as Babyface is now a regular to Granite.  But Master Q silenced that myth.  After a little mumble chatter Master Q decided to get things started and gave a pre-disclaimer to the disclaimer that the PAX should decide now wether to stay or leave as this was no ordinary PrisonBreak and it would likely not end well for those participating.  Babyface suggested breakfast instead.  But Master Q was not going to let them get off that easy.  As was custom Master Q gave the F3 disclaimer and these regularly attending pax felt this wasn’t necessary as they were no virgin to these workouts. Since this especially terrifying guest Q had not arrived the Master Q made arrangements to get this show started and this is what we did…..


The Thang:

Warm-up: 15 IC: SSH, Windmills or “the Dirty Dutch Girl” as Babyface suggested because I have the worst time remembering what these are called and windmills are a popular Dutch architect and now we’re all picturing dirty Dutch women bending over to touch their toes and thus the windmill got it’s name!  Warmups continue with Bobble Dougies, Nancy Kerrigans (LAC’s forward and reverse with one leg back like the ice skating legend but rotating legs at the direction change, then one leg forward proceed with Shnooks in the same fashion); finish with Mountain Climbers

What to do now with no guest Q arrival.  Babyface pleaded that there would be no lying him on his back, evidently he likes it standing up.  Or maybe it had to do with the rain? Well I decided let’s Mosey as the guest Q still had not arrived.

We made a lap around past the CrossFit lane for a quick hello to the first cult member’s arrival and we felt pity on him and invited him to join us but like any good cult leader, he refused.  We moseyed the block back to the AO.  Since we were uneven numbers we had to improvise this next work out…

Vacuum Cleaners Partner (Yes this is in the lexicon)

Derkin Partner workout done in wheelbarrow position.  Took turns pushing the vacuum so that each pax had a turn being wheelbarrowed forward two parking lines, stop and do 10 Derkins, reverse wheelbarrow back.  While the pax left behind squats AMRAP then switch until all pax completed one rep.  Rinse and repeat this time 4 parking spaces (like a vacuum; this sucked) 10 Derkins at the end and again like a vacuum you are pulled backwards wheelbarrowing to the starting line.

Still no guest Q so we moseyed the block again,  however we stopped at the old post office stairs (Now home to the Dirty Delk Dynasty) Dirty bc of the creepy old perverted man vibes that the older bow Tie story telling Joe puts out. Sorry, I know, get on with the thang already.  Here we took turns partner wheelbarrowing up the two level of stairs while the waiting pax Squat AMRAP until his turn.  Then we mosey’d back to the AO

Still no Guest Q so lets grab some blocks!

Who doesn’t love a good acronym? Babyface said please Dear Baby Jesus don’t let the word be Halloween.  I agree’d and we settled with BLOCKS!

With Blocks:

10 Block Burps; 20 Lunges; 30 OH Press; 40 Curls for Snips; 25 Kettle Block Swings (bc 50 sounded careless and not good for the back); 60 Squats.

The time was now AM5:47, still no guest Q who promised to arrive.  So we moseyed with our block once around the AO building and then put our blocks up.  Master Q had special music cued up for the guest Q, but at this point it was pouring the rain and I needed to protect my precious iPhone 8 which was not waterproof.  So off with the gloves, maybe I could prop my phone off the ground on them and cover with my shirt.  Immediately the PAX shrilled in fright as Swinger began to change suddenly in front of them revealing a very patriotic and fitted tank top.  PBR in fact had the epiphany that this might have been planned all along.  but most terrifying of all was when the pants came off revealing the complete Halloween like morph into a shorty shorts wearing bald Richard Simmons.  And in that moment the most terrifying guest Q had arrived.  And we were now sweating to the oldies “She Works Hard For The Money” Split Jacks AMRAP until Richard hollered SSH’s AMRAP.  He lead them to the street just to make sure if they weren’t already embarrassed that at least a passing car and truck would solidify this.  They Circled around the phone for some Mountain Climbers AMRAP to the music; and then some more SPLIT Jacks and SSH’s to finish this song out.

PBR announces it’s 5:55, what about MARY?  Babyface had a long drive home and said “no shame in finishing early” he had seen enough I think.

Swinger “5 mins with Richard is worse than any 6 mins with Mary “

and that folks is how this came to be

The Most Terrifying Guest Q EVER!



Dressing up today? Consider putting on the whole armor of God! Also I had a personal epiphany leaving my house the other day as my home alarm sent my phone a message reminding me that my system was not armed before leaving the house.  And I thought, spiritually neither was my body equipped to face the world.  Guys, daily we need to be equipped and here’s how…

“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬



prayers for safety for everyone over Halloween activities!



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