QIC:  Flamer

Weather: moist….very, very wet!

Cousin Eddie be sweating me on making it for my Q this morning.  Although, in his defense I did miss my last Q at ER a week ago. So there’s that. But I was there and so were 5 other guys for Iron Pixie ish workout.

warmup: SSH and Humpies

Mosey to Corinth for Iron Pixie week 1:  Broad jump 10 yards then exercises, broad jump another 10 yards then exercises, broad jump another 10 yards exercises then bear crawl back. The Exercises were 5 burpees, 5 lunges each leg, 5 WW2 sit-ups.  We did this x 2. Plank for the Q.

Mosey to block pile for Iron pax week 2 ish:  5 block burpees (manmakers), 10 Overhead press, 15 Kettlebell swings, 20 Incline merkins, 25 Curls.  We did this x 3 with a run around Corinth circle in between (3 laps, then 2 laps, then 1).  Plank for the Q.

Mosey back to flag for a merkin/swat ladder (7 merkins, 1 squat) in descending/ascending fashion.

A little time for Abs and some serious back farts…guess you had to be there.  Ask Cuz, his were the loudest.  Cuz called out the gas pump (like a RBC and 6”) exercise, Shaemus called out LBC’s, and TF called out Flutter kicks.

A couple of notes: Iron Pax sucks just as bad as it did the first time, Back farts are hilarious, Goodwill and Cuz were comparing chest hair or lack there of, and you don’t want to know what Shaemus and Cuz were talking about walking to the car….something about Grandmas tongue and sitting in gum!

WOD: Life is about 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.  Lou Holt

Good work, men!  Good to be back out there with you fellas!







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